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As the Clock would Strike Twelve, the row of clocks on your Fireplace would all start Chiming and echoing throughout the room, leaving an unfulfilled sense of hope. Hoping for the dreadful year to be of Ends, it was finally the new Century.

Rather then being excited that it was now the new year, new Century, new everything. The year was 1899, or now 1900. You had awoken to the Cheers of the intoxicated Adults in the room below you, dare you enter to see what had been going on? But as you exit your room you find a letter addressed to "Y/N, Duke/Duchess of Fife"

The letter that had been addressed to you was an odd site, a letter at midnight, on the busiest day of the year? You scoffed at the sight of the Messy Handwriting, but was soon.. Intrigued?

"Dear Y/N L/N , it is my greatest pleasure to invite you to my manor on the Twelfth of January. Although we have never met, I was once a close friend of your Great Grandmother in-law, I understand you have no means to visit. But I guarantee that there will be a prize if you Attend, but you are invited with many others, whom of might you have never met. I understand you have been looking for a.. Reason to life, well I am giving you one on the silver platter you deserve. You will be staying in one of my best rooms if you are to accept, and will be playing a game to win this prize. If you end up coming, you will find out what you might win.

Sincerely, ///////////. "

After examining the somewhat lunatical seeming letter, you began laughing, thinking whomever had sent this has been extremely childish. "A Game? Does he expect I'm a Child?" You would mumble under your laughing. But it had definitely caught your interest, if only the name hadn't been smudged. But you are desperate enough to stray away from being part of the mess that was your family, you soon had your Butler have a Carriage sent out to take you to the address marked on the letter to investigate.

End of Prologue

Writers Note
Sorry for making it seem so ominous, gonna try to get some actual romance in the coming chapters, I hope you enjoyed the somewhat short Prologue and have a nice evening!

Love by MidnightМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя