The Beginning

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       A cold night in Konoha is nothing new for its citizens and sadly neither is a bloody night. The villagers are used to the yelling and wretched screaming that bellows from their streets nightly, they've even become accustomed to the sickly blood spatter that covered their alleyways. Only one citizen becomes troubled every night when the yelling starts up again. Only one small child feels absolute terror every time the moon comes up. This small child goes by the name Naruto, or at least he did until his name became 'Demon' 'Scum' and even 'Bastard'. Of course no parent would call their child a name so deplorable unless they did something absolutely unforgivable, but this small child was a saint. The poor boy's only crime was his foul language, but who could blame him when life has been so unfair. Just like any other night the wind carried frost and bloodlust, the streets screamed and echoed, and a mob gave chase. The one at the front was our poor child Naruto.

Breathing didn't come easy to our little one as his legs barely carried him down the countless alleys he had passed. Naruto being such a small child with such terrible nutrition was having a hard time outrunning those who surround him. Each adult carrying at lease one knife and enough hatred to scare off an army. The feeling of absolute loathing that exhumed from the villagers was nothing new to the child who has almost run out of energy.

'It's getting tiring running every night maybe tonight I'll let them catch me.', Naruto thought. These thoughts of giving up plagued his brain like a disease. Naruto had never been one to accept failure, though with all the sleepless nights he has been having for the past two years have made his psyche weak. As the villagers gained on the small one his legs began to give out. Seeing his tired form as an opportunity the adults began to throw their knives and weapons at Naruto in an attempt to catch him.

Eventually one of the knives hit its target cutting a large gash into the boys right calf. With pain exploding through his leg Naruto fell to the ground and held his new injury. His attackers quickly pounced on him bringing their knives down on smooth but broken skin. All Naruto heard was 'You deserve this for what you did to my wife, Whore!' Before everything went silent and blackness overtook him.

Wow there was my first chapter! I know it's really short but I'm still testing the waters. This is my first fanfic on this account and I'm very excited to hear what you guys think! I've got many more stories planned to come out soon so get ready to be overwhelmed with all the content! Make sure to comment to tell me what you think about my first chapter! Maybe even leave a vote if you think it was good!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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