🔨 zero

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it was late, later than the man had expected to stay at work, but he was a little preoccupied by his patient, you could say. he could still picture his smile, that devilish, evil scowl that adorned the older male's face. it was quite terrifying seeing it up close, especially when you're sitting in a room with a murderer.

"doctor seo," one of the nurses said, making the aforementioned male turn to face her. "here's the report on the patient you asked for." she handed him a small green file, which had the detailed report on his patient, including background, family, and any other criminal or medical records that had been put into the system over the course of his life.

doctor seo skimmed through it briefly, then closing the file again. "thank you ms kim," he said, bowing to her before heading off down the corridor to find the head doctor of the hospital. her office wasn't to far from the patient room in which he had just left.

once he reached her door, he knocked on it softly, hearing a small voice telling him to come in. he opened the door and closed it swiftly behind him, bowing at the woman sat at her desk. "good evening doctor choi," he greeted her.

"take a seat, doctor seo. i know why you're hear," she said in a low tone, obviously not in the mood for pleasantries in their current situation. the male cleared his throat and sat down in the chair on the opposite side of the white desk to the older woman.

"please, i want to transfer him to my father's facility. i really think i can fix him. i feel like i owe it to chan and jeongin... to make him see what he did was wrong... and to give him a second chance." he looked up at his superior with pleading eyes, digging into her in order to find her soft side.

with a sigh, and a pursed lip, she slowly nodded her head. "you have sixty days to make some progress with him, and if you don't, he will come straight back here," she said, sliding a paper over to him in order to sign for the transfer.

lee minho, i promise you ...

... i'll fix you.


" even if i break myself in the
process, i will fix you again. "



welcome to the sequel of
stalker. i'd like to first of
all note that this isn't a
'minbin' fic. they are the
two main characters, but
there is no like romancy
lovey dovey shit involved.
so i apologise if that's what
you are here for :)

i am gonna do my best to
try to update this weekly,
because i've been wanting to
actually write this sequel
for a long time and i just
haven't had the time to
properly commit to it, but
if there are some late chapters
please be patient as i do
have a busy schedule irl.

hi everyone, i'm gonna give
this another crack! please be
patient with me as i rebuild this
story, thank you!

stay safe
- emilie <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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