If I Let you Go.. Will you Fly Away?

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TRIGGER WARNING: Slight mention of suicide but nothing very detailed.

Solitude. Something I've accepted as it what I've surrounded myself with... Or really the lacking? Nevertheless, I live away from the usual I guess, a cabin where I no longer have to be subjected to the bustling streets and loud people of New York. 

Yes.. The residence of the famed Avengers.. But I just felt pushed away from the city itself, maybe it was because of my lack of family and friends?.. Maybe it was because every other week there was a new villain to enter the ring, the ring being our city, and oh how they'd destroy the ring.

I'm of course only a few miles from the city itself, a pleasant, wide grassland that nobody really knows about, which means I get to watch some of the action go down from far away, the tremors have become normal because of it.

I also have to head out to the city on rare occasion, when I wish to find things to plant in my garden, get dog food for my chocolate lab, that isn't homemade; Biscuit (Overdone Biscuit being her nickname) But I live just fine on my own out here... okay maybe that's a lie. I also find myself taking trips to the city to just visit the people because everyone needs the accompaniment of another human body, my way just happens to be in a large crowd with strangers... Unconventional I know, But what can you do?

I wake up to the thumping of Biscuit's tail smacking my leg, I blink a few dozen times before breathing out heavily and rubbing my tongue against the roof of my mouth, grimacing at the bad taste of morning breath. "Alright!.. I'm up, Biscuit.." I rubbed my eyes as I heard the Labrador give me a playful bark. I smiled as I swung my legs over the side of my plush bed and slipped into my fluffy black slippers, running a hand through my dirty, tangled hair as I walked. Biscuit continued to bark as I shuffled just too slow for her by the eagerness in her bark. I shuffled towards the back of the cabin, sliding open the glass door, watching as Biscuit bolted out to take a run and do her morning business. 

I moved to the kitchen as I stretched, my morning routine beginning slowly as I snatched up the box of dog kibble and dump some into Biscuit's sliver bowl, adding a few clumps of wet food as well to top off before setting it back onto the ground. I always relished these bittersweet days, sweet because they were my days off!.. My job being quite the emotional drain as I work as a suicide hotline worker, but the money is plenty and I actually want to help people, stop them from making rash decisions rather than see the aftermath of said bad choices if I'd chosen to be a nurse or doctor. But these days off can be a little bitter since I tend to have a lack of hobbies and entertainment, aside from the ancient record player that I keep next to a heaping box of records. The quiet scratching on the glass let me know Biscuit is ready to come in, so I finish primping my hair and wipe my face dry from water. My previous shuffling turning into promising strides as my slippers slapped against the wood towards the sliding door, allowing Biscuit to bound towards her bowl as I slide the door closed.

Time Skip to noon..

I'm aware that what I have chosen is a complete old lady activity... But since I'd been meaning to finish this already half-completed scarf; I chose to knit. I fidget with the foreign sticks in my hands as my mind repeats the words from the little book resting on my knee; loop, cross, loop, cross... CRASH!

I nearly impale myself on my knitting needles as I jump ferociously, the once sound asleep canine resting by my feet now on high alert. Remember how I'd mentioned the tremors? Well, this one was nothing like any of the ones I've felt before. The sound paired with the violent shake of my home causing me to jump up, rushing to my front door and yanking it open, the chilled air of late Autumn chilling my flesh. I breathe heavily as I command Biscuit to sit and stay as I pull on shoes and a jacket, ready to go searching for whatever the hell that was.

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