Naruto uzumaki

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"Dattebayo!" (Original Japanese version)
"Believe It!" (English dub)
"I won't run away anymore... I won't go back on my word... that is my ninja way!
"To become Hokage is my dream!"
*When talking to Sai about saving Sasuke from Orochimaru*
"I don't care who I have to fight!
If he rips my arms out, I'll kick him to death! If he rips my legs off, I'll bite him to death! If he rips my head off, I'll stare him to death! And if he gouges out my eyes, I'll curse him from the grave! Even If i'm torn to shreds, I'm taking Sasuke back from Orochimaru!"
"The pain of being not an easy one to bear..why is it...that I can understand your pain? But...I already have many people who are important to me now...and I can't let you hurt any of them...even if I have to kill you!"
"Hey, you stupid fox! You're in my body and you owe me rent! So for payment, I'll take your chakra! You got that?!"
So shut up about "destiny" and "inescapable fate"....You shouldn't whine about such trivial stuff! Cause... unlike me... you're not a "FAILURE."
I never give up... I never go back on my word... thats my ninja way!
Believe it!
[About Sasuke] Why are they so obsessed with him? Sasuke, Sasuke! I don't get it, what's the big deal about this guy?!
My dream is to become the greatest Hokage, that way the whole village will stop disrespecting me and treat me like I'm somebody, somebody important.
Sakura-chan, you sure do love Sasuke, don't you?
I'm Naruto Uzumaki! What I like is ramen, especially the kind at the Ichiraku Ramen shop. What I dislike is the three minute wait after you pour in the boiling water. My hobbies are eating ramen. And my dream... is to be the next Hokage!
Dattebayo! (Note: this nonsensical phrase is attached to sentences for emphasis; it is a compilation of the verb endings "da" "-tte ba" and "yo", but there's no real translation of the word. The English dub replaces it with "Believe it!")
If you lay a finger on my sensei... I'll kill you!
Bring it on, you jerk! Anything you throw at me I'll give it back a thousand fold!
My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm going to defeat every one of you believe it!
When I'm with Iruka-sensei, I think if that's what having a father is like.... When I'm with you, I think if that's what having a brother is like.
Sakura-chan looks so sad lately.
Sasuke, I always knew you were alone. In the beginning I was glad because I knew you were like me - I wanted to talk to you! And you answered my every question. We're both popular and all, So I decided that you would become my best friend. I didn't want to lose because I was called a loser all the time. Even when we became Team 7, I still thought this way. I always tried to lie but... but the truth is... I always wanted to be like you. I aspired to be like you. Because of that... I was glad that you wanted to fight me.
The pain of being lonely... is out of this world, isn't it?
[To Sasuke at Final Valley] Sever it just like that, huh!? Then why do you even bother wearing that headband anymore?
Sasuke! Sasuke! Sasuke! What does he have that I don't have?!
The only weird thing here is your haircut!!!
I will bring Sasuke back for sure. This is a promise of a lifetime!
Sasuke won't give into someone like that! He's strong enough as it is, I promise!
After all that talk about your destiny, you don't really believe in it, do you? So shut up about "destiny" and... how people can't change! 'Cause... unlike me... you're not a "failure".
[To Neji] Because somebody told me I was a failure! I'll prove them wrong!
[To Neji] When I become Hokage, I'll change the Hyuuga clan!
Lay a finger on my sensei, and you die!
[to Sasuke] Are you okay, buddy?
[To Sasuke in his second Curse stage] So you're special, huh?, you won't be so special when I'm through with you!
[To Sasuke] I won't let Orochimaru have you! I will stop you even if I have to break every bone in your body!
[To Simon before using the Rasengan] Until I reach my dream, I refuse to die.
Nothing wrong with crying when you're happy.
It's not the face that makes someone a monster. It's the choices they make with their life!
[While looking for fake-Naruto] Where you hiding, you big fake fraidy-cat?! Show that handsome face already!
I'm going to prove that in this world.. Heroes do exist!
Real strength is not what you have when fighting for only yourself. When you have something special that you want to protect, only then can you become truly strong!
[After finding out Haku's a boy] HUH?! NO WAY!! HE'S PRETTIER THAN SAKURA-CHAN!!!!!
[Fighting with Idate] Yeah? Well the Hokage would do all that and more and he'd do it two times a day!
[Talking to Gai Sensei] Huh? Oh Bushier Brow, it's you!
[To Gaara] It's almost unbearable, isn't it... the pain of being all alone. I know that feeling, I've been there, in that dark and lonely place, but now there are others, other people who mean a lot to me. I care more about them than I do myself, and I won't let anyone hurt them. That's why I'll never give up, I will stop you, even if I have to kill you! They saved me from myself, they rescued me from my loneliness, they were the first to accept me as who I am. They're my friends.
[To Sasuke, in Shippuuden] How can someone who can't even save his friends become Hokage...? Isn't it so, Sasuke?
[To Tsunade] Because unlike you, I want that title one day. To be my dream.
I'm going to make everyone recognize my existence.
[To Pain] You should give up...on me giving up!
[To Nagato, reciting a line from Jiraiya's first book] Then I will break that curse. If there's such thing as peace, I will find it. I won't give up!
[To A] Yes, he might have died... but together, he and my mom protected Konoha from the Nine-Tails! They protected me! It may have only been for a second, but in that second, they gave me so much... their faith! Faith that I could finish their jobs! Faith that I could fulfill the role of a "savior!"
[To Jekylnaruto] If you don't like your destiny, don't accept it. Instead, have the courage to change it the way you want it to be...!
[To Nine-Tails] Because if I ever second guess myself...that'll be the day when it's all over!
[To Nine-Tails] Hey Nine-Tails, I wanna get rid of all that hate of yours someday!
Being with a tailed beast isn't such a bad thing
[To Nine-Tails] You aren't a monster fox anymore. You're one of my teammates from the Leaf Village...
[To Neji] After all, unlike me you're not a failure!
[To Naruto's true image] Because you existed, I became strong. Thanks to you I made this far!
I will break that curse.If there is any such thing as peace, I will seize it. I won't give up dattebayo! Naruto to Pain
[In Road to Ninja] Someone once asked me what a ninja was. My sensei told me that a ninja is one that endures
Believe it!
[To Obito and Madara] "You guys irritate me so much that I can't even express it in words... So I'll just tell you something about me... I'm no trash!! And I'll never become trash!! And I won't let you kill my comrades!!"
"[to Obito Uchiha]" I swore I'd tear that mask right off your face!
"[to Hyūga Hinata]""Thanks Hinata! Earlier, I was feeling uncharacteristically depressed, but now I feel great!!...You know about you...I always though that you were just a plain looking, dark weirdo...But a person like you...I really like!"
"[to Hyūga Hinata]" Hinata thank you t's thanks to you that stayed at my side
A hero always arrives late.
Uzumaki Naruto (Naruto)
I am strong because I have people to protect
Uzumaki naruto (naruto)

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