Part One

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It all starts with something.. maybe even someone, it begins slowly but it always seems out of reach.. until suddenly you wake up and somehow your no longer yourself. A moment comes when you think you can grasp it enough to go back, then comes the sensation of it slowly slipping from your fingertips.
For some, this feeling of change can bring great joy.. some are simply spreading their wings and leaving their cocoon like a newly developed butterfly however for others this change is unknown until it's brung to their attention leaving them scrapping the walls like a dog in the pound.. wishing so desperately to go back and not stray from the known path.

For me, this change was inevitable but I was too far from reality to realise. I now sit feeling lonely , lost & agitated. Trying so desperately to go back.. where did I go wrong I ask myself? & by this point you may be asking this question your self.. the short answer would be I don't know, I don't know who I am and I don't know how to go back but this is my story. This is your story, this is our story.. we write the book , we define our words. It up to you and it's up to me, no one can say what we have to be.

Take a moment, forget the past , stop worrying about the future and forget all expectations. Within a world so complicated and cruel , the only person who can save us from drowning is ourselfs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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