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Test's tomorrow. 

You studied right?

Nah. Who studies these days. We have knowledge at our fingertips.

I'm just asking dude, chill. 

Well I didn't. 

Alright,  well you can help quiz me on the social and political influences of social-Darwinism.

Nah, shit like is so boring and useless man. See that's the problem with schools. They teach all this dull stuff we are never going to use. How about some woodworking classes, some cooking classes, some car  driving lessons, how about a lesson on taxes? Those are more valuable than whatever fuckery you're looking through. 

Ok man, if you don't want to help me, then don't. I got this stuff down cold anyways. I just asked cause I thought it would be helpful for you to study a little bit. 

I'm just too woke man. I see through it all. We gotta escape. Escape the cycle and we achieve finally happiness.

Whatever makes you happy I guess. Anyways, you wanna hang out tomorrow? Got the new game that everyone's talking about on the PS4. The one with the really famous actor in it. Bet the game's so deep, we could play it forever.

Yeah dude, heard about it. The game looks so amazing, god, I hope there's a multiplayer. 

You bullshitting? Of course this game's multiplayer supported. It's always fun with friends.

Aight man, I will head over tomorrow after school. Oh man, one of those crazy-ass deep questions just popped into my head. This sounds really retarded, but you wonder why it had to be us? Why were humans given big brains and not the other animals?   

Natural selection man. Darwin's scheme. Survival of the fittest you know. We adapted to the environment differently and got lucky. We got the bigger brains. 

Animals are so low iq honestly. Weak pack animals and under our enforcement. We are the rulers of the Earth and everything else is below us. Look at us. Bruh we killed and slaughtered with no fear at all. Our guns are better than a tiger's teeth. Our environment is ours to control. It truly is survival of the fittest, and we are superior. 

Have you lost brain cells? We're still animals. We put on clothes just to feel different, but we're still animals. You may say, oh I have an Xbox and I can buy food made just for me, and say an animal can't do any of that shit, but it's just human concepts. "Civilized" doesn't mean crap. Take away the embers of our society, and we become cold animals once more. 

We are the best. Conquerors. Raisers of earth. Animals be afraid. Cowering in darkness. Stumbling around and eating their own feces. Like the new game, dumb animals can't make that. Can't even comprehend it really. 

What the fuck, you said you didn't study for the test.

I didn't tho, what are you saying? 

But-you-I, ok. I'm heading to bed. I don't want to deal with this shit. See you at school man. 

Bye man. 

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