Dark wish part 1

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It had been a tough but fruitful year for the Mystic Power Rangers. But as Eddie stood there on the training platform, looking out at the vast forest their tree base looked over, the air was rife with the feeling it was all coming to a head and the fate of the world would soon be decided. He lets a smile slip as he looks out and thinks back to the start of the year, learning that magic was real and that they could wield it? And that there was a hidden world literally across the road from them filled with magical creatures? Then having to train to defend the worlds from the forces of evil. It was a lot for them to take on, but as a team they did it.

But, for Eddie it was a lot more to take in as he had found out he was adopted and his real parents are a wizard and sorceress. His mother was the rangers' mentor and White Ranger. His dad had turned out to be Koragg, the evil monster that terrorised the Rangers for the first few months until they managed to break the spell the Master had over his father. Eddie also met his cousin Claire who was a sorceress in training that lived with his mother at the tree base.

Eddie remembers when the five now friends had been selected, and how, at the start Eddie didn't like the look of them. He had briefly met them in a record shop as he asked for directions before they were dragged into the forest by his birth mother, pretending to be an old man looking for help.

There was Xander the green ranger. Eddie found him to be full of himself, always wanting to please the ladies or get work done with as little effort as possible. Vida, or V as she likes to remind people, she was hot-headed and could have a mean streak and zero patience. Eddie knew they would clash and often did. Maddison the blue ranger and also V's sister: she was kind and caring, always willing to listen and help. And then there was Evan, or Buck as he preferred. Eddie had found him the toughest to figure out. He was a happy go lucky guy and wore his heart on his sleeve. But ask him anything about his past and he would go quiet or try to change the subject. Which for a guy who wore his heart on his sleeve threw Eddie, but they had made a special bond and became best friends - always together causing trouble and Eddie knew he could rely on Buck, no matter what.

"Ready for your lesson, Edmundo?" His father asks. The question shook Eddie from his thoughts and made him slightly annoyed at the use of his full name.

"It's Eddie, and do we have to? I mean we have handled everything that has been thrown at us," Eddie states, rubbing his arm across his forehead.

"Yes, you are the light and the one greatest weapon we have against the Master, now let's train," Ramon says as he transforms into his knight form.

"If we must," Eddie states as he morphs into his ranger suit.

They start to fight, the metal sound echoes across the platform as they start landing sword on sword attacks, Eddie manages to land a kick flush on to his dad's chest to which his dad laughs and catches the foot before Eddie can pull it back and flips the leg back which sends Eddie flying backwards crashing onto the floor

"I see training is going well," Buck says as he approaches Helena, the sound of fighting had caught his attention and he saw that she was watching her son and husband train

"How do you think it is going?" She states not taking her gaze off the fight

"I think you're both being too hard on him and don't give him enough credit for the amazing things he has done already," Buck states, flashing his smile at her and sees her stern face just look at him.

"That may be true, but you don't have the fate of the world on your shoulders like he does, nor are you willing to make the hard choices in fights like Eddie has to," Helena coldly states.

Buck looks at her and then back to the training platform seeing Eddie rolling on to his front. Buck wasn't going to listen to any more of that and huffs towards her then heads back inside. Using his morpher wand he calls for his broom bike and disappears. Helena returns to watching the training.

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