Look Down

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Look Down

I stand there,
I hear their words,
see their smirks.
I look down.

I stand there,
I hear their pleas,
see their tears.
I look down.

I stand there,
I push away food,
I can still feel it.
I look down.

I stand there,
I feel the fat,
on my arms,
legs and soul.
I look down.

I stand there,
I see the bulge,
the fat, ugly, bulge,
and I hate it.
I look down.

I stand there,
they tell me to stop,
that I'm hurting them.
I look down.

I stand there,
"I'm almost done",
I say,
I smile slightly.
But then I look down.

I stand there,
the girl in the mirror taunting,
when will this end?
I look down.

I stand there,
but it's not me,
that girl has wasted away,
This was supposed to make me pretty.
I look down,
I just look down.

Anorexia is serious issue in today's society. The media portrays beauty in a shallow light and people fall to the darkness. It doesn't help. No one should feel they have to change for acception, because they are perfect the way they are.


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