Pete's POV

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"Alright, bye guys," I called to the other band members as they exited the studio. I still had to pick my stuff up from the dance room.

As I was nearing the studio, I could hear faint classical music coming from inside, and being my curious self, I thought I should take a peek.

I took a slight look into the window of the studio door to see someone dressed in a blush pink tutu doing pirouettes. I tried to get a closer look, but the mysterious dancer kept his face hidden.

I couldn't stand it any longer, so I opened the door slightly.
My eyes opened wide with awe. It was Pat!

I stared in wonder as he twirled around the room with such grace. I never knew he could dance like that. I opened the door a tiny bit more just to see the spell he was weaving with his body.

"P-Pete?" Pat asked as he was trying to cover his body, which of course, didn't work.

"I'm sorry, I just heard some music and wanted to investigate," I say walking into the studio.

"Oh," Pat said. "So what do we do now?"

I slip him into my arms and ask, "Shall we dance?"

I started twirling him and he complied.

"I didn't know you could dance," Pat told me.

"Bet you didn't know I play tennis on a daily basis, either," I told him. "It's about time you know something else about me." I say whilst ripping my shirt apart.

I just got the words "Patrick+Pete 5ever" tattooed on my chest in pink, and "Peterick is my ultimate ship" on my back in the most emo shade of black. (happy @yeshomohowell_ ?)

"I didn't know you felt this way about me," Pat said sadly.

"Seriously, bro? I'm pretty sure everyone knew that, now spread your legs."

Pat complied, but a terrible look dawned on his face. His tutu was now on the floor, and from behind me, I took a bag of oranges.

"Do you know what I'll do to you with these?" I asked him, with lust gleaming in my eyes.

He shook his head.

"Oh well, guess you'll have to find out." I told him, while sticking an orange up his ass.

I stuck the other 17 oranges up his ass and stood up.

"Well, my job here is done," I say dusting off my hands. "I'll see you in 9 months."

←←←9 months later→→→

"Push Pat, push!" I encourage him as he squeezed an orange baby out of his asshole.

"Even though I love you, I love this baby more, so I'm keeping it," I say as I sprout wings, grab the orange baby, and fly out the window.

"Thnks fr th mmrs," I call to Pat and disappear forever.

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