dear fred

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dear fred,

Hey freddie, its been a while. I miss you so much, everyone does in fact. I wish that night that I lost you that I would've known that would be the last night we were together. I just wish I could see you one last time.

Nothing's been the same without you. The house is always quiet, even with me here. Percy decided to come home and stay or a little while before going back to London, he's been quiet, everyone has. No one seems happy anymore without you here.

Ever since we lost you everyone's been falling off with each other. Ron and Hermione are not doing to well, she is always there for her, or at least tries to be. Mum cries a lot, mostly at night. Charlie even came down and stayed for a few days. Ginny never comes out of her room anymore, and when she does it only to use the bathroom. Her eyes are always swollen and red. She looks awful really. Well, we all do. Dad always seems like he's swimming in his thoughts whenever I see him, he hasn't talked about anything that has to do with muggles since the night we lost you. Bill even cried a few times, and we both know Bill never shows any emotion.

Things have been especially hard for me. I can't even get out of my bed half of the time. I'm always thinking of of the things we've done together. Eighteen years freddie, eighteen years worth of memories. You, me, pranks, detentions with Filch, comforting Ginny, scaring Ron, getting mum mad, quidditch, starting our own joke shop, eighteen years full of it, down the drain.

I miss you so much more then you could ever imagine. All I do is cry, I'm always in my thoughts, thinking about everything we've done together. You were my twin, you are my twin, my partner in crime, my best friend, my shoulder to cry on, my other half, I can't live without you it's impossible. Ever since the night you died I haven't smiled once. I can't even cast a patronus anymore. Ours were the same remember? I haven't gone to our joke shop since that day, we started that business together, there is just to much memories.

Percy goes to your graves with jokes he's written down that he thinks you'll like and reads them to you at your grave hoping you'll hear him, they're not that funny really, but no one tells him that hahaha. No one would think he would be put Percy is a mess. Ginny is too, she hasn't been the same since you left us. No one tries to make jokes anymore because everytime someone tried mum would break down crying. I try my best to make myself happy and try to get out of bed but it seems impossible, I just miss you so much.

Remember that time when we got a bunch of fireworks and we flew into the great hall on our broom sticks during fifth years o.w.l.s and set them off everywhere and Umbridge was furious? That is one of my favorite times with you. I wish I could back to the moment to see you again, or any moment when I was with you.

I moved back to the Burrow, I don't even sleep on my bed, instead I sleep on yours. Your blankets still smell like you, gun powder and a broomstick handle. I soak your pillows ever night with my tears, I'm sorry for that.

Harry cries a all the time as well, despite him not being a Weasley he loved you a lot. He misses you, he's also there for Ginny. He's the only reason why she eats. He blames himself for what happened to you, and for what happened to everyone else. Everyone has told him that none of this was his fault but he doesn't believe a word any of us says. He's stubborn if you ask me.

I miss you so much Freddie, more then you can ever possibly know. You were my best friend, no one could ever take your place. You're probably mad at me for being so sad all the time and not getting over you death which I've tried, but theres just way to much memories, I just can't let go. You were my brother for Merlins sake, you are my brother. I love you so much Freddie, I'll be with you one day, I promise.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2020 ⏰

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