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Beginning of Good and Bad:-

A family was playing baseball in their home which was in upper mountains.
The father Luther and The mother Sofia had two sons first Pravin their real son and Gavin who was adopted.Luther hits the ball and Pravin chased the ball to catch but he slipped from the height.Gavin picked his hand before he fell down.Pravin had an ego with Gavin always.He was not happy being his brother but Gavin is a good soul and treat Pravin as his own brother.Pravin was ashamed for taking the help of Gavin.He pushed his hand and fell down from the mountain.Luther and Sofia both of them were auror.Pravin was a pure blood but Gavin was not.Luther and Sofia killed a dark wizard and a Muggle three years ago.Gavin was the dark wizard's son but still he has a pure soul.

In Hogwarts, Dumbledore saying this to Order of Phoenix in the presence of Luther and Sofia.

Sirius black:-He would have been dead,felling from that height.

Sofia:-He has an invisible armour which was gifted by sun god when he was born,that armour will protect him.

All of them were shocked even Dumbledore because there is a curse for son of Luther and Sofia.The curse is,their son will become a dark wizard and kill many innocents.

Dumbledore:-We have to find him at any cost.

In the mountain,Pravin fell and came to conscious after few hours.He saw a cave near so for shelter he went there.Inside the cave,As usual Dark,
Without any sound, Suddenly Pravin fainted due to hunger.After few moments,A couple of treasure hunters came to the cave to find treasure but they found Pravin.The couple were billionaires after finding many treasure still they were unhappy because they don't have child.Now,
They planned to adopt Pravin.
They gave water and Pravin again came to conscious.He saw Raquel the female treasure hunter and thought it was Sofia in half fainted state.He blabber and they took him to the hospital.After treating,They asked about his parents.He hide the truth and said he was homeless and orphan.The police came to the hospital to check Pravin but Raquel didn't know his name so He named him Govan and they took him to the hospital so they thought Pravin was their child and left.Raquel introduce
Sergio the male treasure hunter as her husband.They discharge Pravin and took them to their home in Palawan a Philippines island.It was happening when he was six.

Sergio raised him well friendly and Raquel gave mother's love which was like many of the people's dream life but Pravin was not happy inside his heart.He still jealous about Gavin but Pravin is the one gave up on them.He decided not to disturb them.
After two years,By the presence of Pravin,Sergio and Raquel's life felt amazing.Raquel gave birth to baby girl and her name was Paula.Now she turned to two years.Pravin was confused he don't know why but he didn't get jealous by Paula.He took great care on her like she was his shadow.A happy life for two years,
Now,Pravin turned to ten.Raquel shows Admission form of Best school in Philippines.Sergio shows Admission form of Best school in the world.

Pravin:-Can I say something?Mom


Pravin:-I planned to join Hogwarts.

Raquel:-Hogwarts? Never heard of it Where is it?

Sergio:-Are you talking about the magical school?

Pravin:-Yes,Dad.I know you don't like this idea but I am interested in it a lot
and I know you will give me permission.

Sergio:-I trust you,son.Your wish is important to us but remember Be careful.

Raquel:-But darling our kid....

Sergio:- He was growing up.

Raquel:-You had asked permission to me and dad but what about your sister.She has the power of attorney of the house.

Pravin:-I have an idea.....

In the beach,Paula was making sand castle.Pravin called her and do a magic trick.He gave a chocolate to her by the trick and promised her that he will do more magic after educating from Hogwarts.She was just four years old she didn't know what he asking she too gave permission but after knowing that Pravin will be not in home next few months.She cries and Raquel cheered her up.....

After few days, Hogwarts approval admission came by an owl.In the railway station,Sergio advised him a lot and Raquel gave his luggage to him.She gave forehead kiss and Pravin again done a magic trick and gave an chocolate to Paula.

In the railway station,

Sergio:-Where will be your train board.

Pravin:-It's 9 3/4 the platform.

Sergio:-I am sure there will be something magical about that.

Pravin guaranteed that He will be safe and sound.He will figure out about the train.Inside the railway station,He saw and felt sad seeing Luther and Sofia taking Gavin.They went inside a wall between ten and nine.Pravin followed them and enter into the train.He waved at Luther and Sofia without their attention.He headed to last compartment to avoid Gavin to notice him.He sitted and suddenly a girl rushed to the compartment.She had a strange feeling that she found her soulmate like butterfly flying in her stomach.She saw Pravin reading Hogwarts history and

Avneet:-Hi.My name is Avneet.

Before Pravin replies Gavin entered.
Pravin covered his face with the book and doesn't reply to Avneet.Gavin talked to Avneet and became friends.
Pravin observe that Avneet was overtalktive,brave and friendly.She was half blood.Gavin still feel for Pravin.He was guilty about him to lose him.

Thanks for reading:-

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