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      It was December morning, Luna looked out the window watching the snow fall down slowly barley covering the grass. She looked around to find no one in there beds. Luna sprung up in her bed throwing on her robes rushing to the dinning hall.

Luna sat down next to Cho Chang, " Hello cho." " Good morning luna." Luna was good friends with cho but cho could never mind her business.
" Luna? Why are you looking at ginny? Do you fancy her?" Luna was taken back by that comment. " no of course not, she's just quite wonderful."

Cho continued eating, but all Luna did was stir her cereal around with her spoon. Did Luna fancy Ginny?  No of course not, she fancied men in the past, like Neville for example, he's quite wonderful and i've liked him before, but he's not for me, but Ginny. Ginny was perfect, to her red hair to her outgoing personality, she was amazing. Am i lesbian? surely not. "LUNA!!" Luna looked around in shock, who was that? only to find someone with beautiful ginger hair. Ginny. " Luna, are you coming to the game tonight?" Luna forgot there was a quidditch game tonight. " Of course!" Ginny smiled and turned around of her


Later at the game Luna had her lion hat on ( as always ) and was getting tons of stares, some good some bad.

It was slythrien vs. Gryffindor. Harry, the seeker, was shit. He kept keeping his eye on Ginny. He missed the snitch 3 times but caught it the 4th time. Ginny, was shit aswell. Ginny didn't have her eye on harry though. She had her eye on Luna.

  Hi guys!! I know people won't read this because- ya BUT. This is a REALLY REALLY REALLY short and i didn't put to much effort into it, AND if anyone is reading this please out thing i can change about it 💖 anyway- Thank you for reading so far haha

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