Cowboy Hats and Butterfly Kisses

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Today was turning out to be quite the shitty day, you had the morning shift at the place you ever so fondly called "The Cowboy Store". No, obviously that wasn't the name of the store, but it could go either way seeing as it sold just about anything you could think of that would be on a farm (including cowboy hats)

You blow a sigh, rolling your eyes at a lady aggressively trying to shove her cart through an area where it obviously wasn't going to fit. You watched as she almost destroyed at least three different stands before scoffing and swiftly walking away. "Yeah, leave the mess for me why don't you" you mumble quiet curses under your breath as you abandon the hats you were putting away in favor of begrudgingly picking up the displays.

"Y/N what's your 20?" You hear your manager say through the radio, you groan in annoyance and answer back "I'm by the hats, whatcha need?". You don't get a reply, typical. You jump in surprise as your manager appears behind you suddenly 'damn her quirk' you think to yourself before responding with a quick hello and a smile.

She simply ignores you and starts talking "I need you to stay an extra two hours today" she says and You blankly stare at her for a moment, recalling this morning when you made it very clear to her that you wouldn't be staying longer and that she needed to find someone else to do it, "I'm sorry Hayley, but as I said this morning, I will not be staying longer" you say politely, forcing a smile on your face.
You watch her face drop in irritation at that. You stare right back at her, taking notice of her over abundance of makeup added with the foundation that was a couple shades to light for her and you can't help but think how it makes her look a little to much like an angry clown.

Holding back a laugh at the thought you stand your ground, watching as she makes a frustrated noise before teleporting away. Shaking your head you let out a breath of air, turning back to the cowboy hats you were putting away.

You hear something fall to the ground behind you and turn around to see what it is, and to your surprise you see your boyfriend Tamaki picking up the hat he accidentally knocked over. "Tamaki? What are you doing here?" You ask, a smile already growing on your face.

He swiftly turns to look at you and blushes, quickly setting the hat down and clearing his throat "sorry bunny, I just got bored and wanted to come see you" he says softly, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. You smile fondly at him "well I appreciate that you came to see me very much" you say as you walk over to him, giving him a quick kiss.
He blushes bright red but gladly returns the kiss, smiling at you softly "what are you working on?" he asks, peeking over your shoulder at the cart full of hats. You sigh and turn to walk back to the cart "just putting these hats away, we got a lot of them in today and I want to get them done as soon as possible" you say as you continue putting them away.

"Sounds fun" he says, causing you to turn and look at him with a raised eyebrow "okay, maybe not, but at least you have something to do?" It sounds more like a question than a statement, but you nod your head, agreeing with him "that's very true" you say with a small laugh as he walks over to stand next to you.

You pick up one of the hats before getting an idea, you turn to Tamaki and quickly place the hat on his head before brushing his hair behind his ears "you'd be a very handsome cowboy" you say with a laugh before pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose.

You watch in amusement as he turns red as a tomato, hand reaching up to touch the hat. Before he can even respond You giggle softly and take the hat off his head, putting it onto the shelf next to you. "I'll get in trouble if we keep talking, but I'll see you later yeah?" You ask him, tilting your head slightly in a way that he finds absolutely adorable.

Still flustered from what just happened he responds with a quiet "y-yeah" to which you smile wider. "Okay, I love you Tamaki" you say, blowing a kiss to him as he walks away "i love you too" he softly says, a large smile covering his face as he heads out of the store.

'Maybe today isn't so bad after all' you think to yourself as you watch him walk away.
Thanks for reading!

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