Mi Muñeco de Cristal/My Cristal Doll

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Un día de verano normal que más iba a ser si su mundo no era tan "lindo" todo el día aguantando a dream y su amigos causaron que se pusiera depresivo de todos modos a nadie le importaba. Fue a un parque, se sentó en una banca solo sin nadie a su lado. Asta que

-oye puedo sentarme?-

Una voz volteó la mirada y vio a ese lindo chico con una gorra de Winnie pooh

-si claro- respondió maravillado por esa belleza

Empezaron a hablar y contarse anécdotas resultaba que los dos eran molestados por dream en el caso del chico que se llamaba luh lo tomaba a risa y no le importaba, pero rich era otra cosa a el si le dolía después de todo dream era su ex-novio. Luh decidió hacerse amigo del pequeño con pijamada a de esqueleto wither. Lastimosa mente a rich le diagnosticaron lesusemia una enfermedad imposible de curar. Nuestro osito intentó darle los mejores tiempos a rich antes de morir pero...

Dream hacia qué eso fuera imposible. Asta que rich murio en la clase por su enfermedad y allí todos entendieron el daño que le hicieron. Luh solo vio en shock como su amigo murio. Cuando su shock se detuvo lloro y lloro no pudo soportarlo su único amigo murio su lindo Muñeco de Cristal

A normal summer day what else would it be if his world was not so "pretty" ever day being bothered by dream and his friends caused him to become depressed anyway no one cared. He went to a park, he sat on a bench alone with no one next to him. Until

-Hey can I sit down? -

A voice looked away and saw that cute boy in a Winnie the pooh cap

-Yes, of course- he answered marveling at that beauty

They started talking and telling each other anecdotes, it turned out that they were both bothered by dream, in the case of the boy named Luh, he laughed at it and didn't care, but rich was other case that hurt him after all, dream was his ex- boyfriend. Luh decided to befriend the little boy with a wither skeleton sleepover. Sadly, rich was diagnosed with lesusemia, an illness that cannot be cured. Our little bear tried to give rich the best times before he died but ...

Dream made that impossible. Until rich died in class from his illness and every one understood the damage they did to him. Luh just watched in shock as his friend died. When his shock stopped he cried and cried he couldn't bear it his only friend died his cute Crystal Doll

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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