Stop Crying

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Don't you hate it when nothing goes your way?

When you don't get what you want?

When Life is rebellious towards you?

If you think about it, really hard,

then you realize, it happens everyday,

in the littlest things: Hunger, not passing a test,

getting into an argument with a loved one.

You never actually feel that hate until that hunger turns into starvation,

that not passing a test turns into a complete failing,

that argument with the loved one becomes a total fight.

Sure, it makes you cry.

But take a minute and no matter what Life gives you,

treasure it.

Everything happens for a reason.

So stop crying.

Go fix whatever you broke.

Go make that loved one know they're loved.

Go feed yourself if you're so called "starving."

People have it worse than you will ever have.

Enjoy Life to its greatest. 

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