Dear Tooth fairy

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Dear Tooth Fairy

It’s me again.
A week has passed since the last time I wrote to you. I’m sorry for not signing off properly by the way. My boss showed up and took my pencil away so there was really nothing I could do. Anyway, this wretched prank war rages on for a month now, making this the longest I’ve gone without seeing Mika. It’s especially hard today because it marks the fourth Sunday night we’ve gone without watching Dog Bachelor together. It’s torture. So, I’ve been thinking of going over to Rivalton to see her. Is that a bad idea? Probably not. You’d tell me if it was.
“Bose! Don’t make me take your pencil!”
That’s my boss again so I better go.
Signing off, Bose.

I sighed as I closed my journal and put it away. I had to stop trying to send the letters when the mail man that delivers in my neighborhood called my parents to tell them the tooth fairy didn’t actually have a postal address.

Apparently, the same sentiment wasn’t sinking in when he confronted me after our third encounter, “Why are you even doing this? You’re what, fourteen?” he questioned, like that had anything to do with anything. It’s a shame really. But luckily my mom had this old journal collecting dust in the back of her closet that she swore could magically send my letters. Cool, right? I don’t really understand the science behind it, but I also don’t care either sooo…this is where I’m at in life.  
Ray was already having an intense conversation with Schwoz by the time I got up from my seat. Not sure what was going on with them. I could barely remember how I got to The Man’s Nest to be required to even begin to understand what was happening around me. Especially not when I had a TV show to go watch.
I was headed for the tube when Ray finally noticed me.
“Bose!” he called, so I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to find both him and Schwoz watching me. “Where you goin?”
I shrugged, “To watch Dog Bachelor with Mika.”
“Who Mika?” he asked, creeping towards me like a predator about to pounce on its prey. It kinda made me feel like a sitting duck. That is if ducks could sit. Wait, can ducks sit? Come to think of it I don’t even think I’ve ever seen a duck’s feet a-
“Bose!” I blinked when Ray’s fingers snapped in front of my face. I jumped back a little too. Kinda didn’t see that coming.
What were we talking about?
“You’re not going to see the same Mika I banned from Swellview, are you?” His words came out slow, careful so I wouldn’t miss anything he was saying. “Cause that would make you a Rivalton treacherous traitor. Just. Like. her.”
Whoa! Those were a lot of words I didn’t understand. But he didn’t look happy so I just shook my head, hoping it would make him stop looking at me like he was about to zap me, or worse, make me comb and maintain that blonde mess on his head.
“Nhaaaa. Not that Mika. This is another Mika- Mika…Thompson. We met at camp.”

“What camp?” Ray asked suspiciously and I tried to swallow the lump in my throat that refused to go down. Then I backed away a little. Distance. I needed some distance before I started sweating and spilling my guts.
“Summer camp- last summer. It was before I met you so you don’t know her, but she’s definitely not Miles’ twin sister, Mika. That would be crazy.” I chuckled and prayed it didn’t come out like the nervous squeal it actually was in my head.
“Anyway, Ray- Boss- Sir. I’m not gonna waste any more of your time so- bye.” I took off towards the tube. I didn’t look at either of them as I got in and mumbled “down the tube” because then I’d see his face and I’d know if he believes me or not, when I’d rather just speculate to save face. If he did believe me, then great. It’s like Ray always said, “Lying is the most important part of being a superhero,” which meant training was working and I was on the road to become one of the best. Plus, it meant I’d be off the hook.
But if he didn’t believe me, then not only was I a bad liar; I was a bad superhero.

Signing Off, Bose Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя