lunar did an uh oh

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=> it's in the description, but the story contains death / stabbing and spoilers for chapter 15

as northern soldiers poured into cloud city, lunar quickly unsheathed her really epic blue sword, eyes scanning the area.
"cloud city is under siege, this isn't epic" thought lunar with a frustrated expression.
she knew what she was doing was hopeless, but an effort isn't bad, right?
she was met with a man with pale skin and eyes the color of blood. he wore almost all black, and a heavy coat covered the suit he had on, a couple badges to top it.

man, that's one hunk of a guy.

the "hunk of a guy" in question - who also happened to be a certain prime minister - had a tired but determined look, as if he had woken up that morning and chosen violence.
- and violence he will cause.

lunar gave a cold but longing stare at him before opening her mouth, when nothing came out.
both of them stood there for a bit, neither made a move until nidhogg dropped his sword.

he made his way towards lunar, all the while lunar herself moved back the closer he got.
at some point, she had gotten backed up against a stone wall, and couldn't move much anymore. nidhogg had cornered her, completely unarmed, but lunar still feared the worst.
her face began heating up, as she realized how close the two of them were.
at least, weapons-wise, lunar had the upper hand - she was still tightly clutching her sword. but who knew what nidhogg could do with his hands?

to lunar's surprise, he didn't do anything weird, not what she thought he would. nidhogg's moves were slow, as if to calm lunar down, to assure her that he wouldn't do anything.
lunar gazed into nidhogg's eyes, watching as his tired look became softer, or how she saw it, at least.
she shouldn't be letting her guard down, but she couldn't help herself - despite him being so dangerous. as much as she knew she shouldn't, she trusted him, at least a little.

nidhogg's hand moved slowly towards lunar's, and she let out a small gasp.
she would happily invite him in, accepting his hand.
lunar was so absorbed into it that she didn't notice her own sword being pulled from her grip.

nidhogg suddenly lifted up a boot and had managed to kick lunar down onto the cobblestone. as lunar trembled below him, she felt like an idiot for trusting him so much. she didn't stand a chance against him, he had her only weapon and she wasn't the best at hand-to-hand combat. how stupid she was, to think that a renowned soldier would care about someone like her.
nidhogg positioned the sword back, and hesitated for a split second before swiftly driving it into lunar's chest.

a splitting pain ran through her body, but felt numb at the same time. if it weren't her stupidity, that damned black-haired man, maybe she'd be alive.

as she took her last, painful breaths, lunar caught the eyes of her killer.
a dark red, like the blood pouring out of her.

this started out as a joke but i got way too far into it

i have a love-hate relationship with nidhogg ,,, fuck you for killing lunar but you're still cool ig

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