- Part 1 -

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Kei scowled as his partner dipped him and pulled him back up just as quickly, his chest colliding with a strong wall of muscle; Kei's movements forced to match the sudden snap of the music.

"Need I remind you, my King, that you are married?" seethed Kei as the duo continued their waltz across the packed ballroom. His temper had risen considerably as the evening had progressed; it was far too bold of him to assume the one person he didn't want to see may not attend the ball. That very person just so happening to be who his parent's wished him to dance with, the King of Nekoma. Kei was only dancing with him for a form of flaunting alliances if you will.

"Oh I am very aware of my bonds," His voice came out like silk, deep with mystery and lust.

Kei winced, 'my bonds', the King spoke of about his kin as if he were chained down by his marriage.

"Don't speak illy," Kei snapped back.

"I will say what I will about my husband."

"And hurt his reputation and feelings?"

"There is no love between us. The only feeling there is to hurt is that between himself and your brother."

"Wha- ...You dare accuse my brother of scandal?!"

"Oh... little Kei didn't know?"

Holding his hand tightly the Lord pulled Kei into his chest again, their hands suspended in the air. Just as this happened the music changed to something much softer, the tension from before melting with the strum of violin strings. They drew apart and waltzed again, slower.

"No I didn't, your highness. So perhaps you'd like to elaborate," Kei hissed, his voice rising just above a whisper.

"Stop it with the formali-"

Kei stepped on his partner's foot, "Whoops"

With a hiss of his own the King straightened himself, matching Kei's smirk, "You'll see all the proof you need as we pass them."

Kei frowned, his eyes darting over his partner's shoulder; sure enough, Kozume came into view he was leaning in closer to a person hidden carefully behind the ground curtains that framed each set of windows. Well-hidden to the untrained eyes, Kei however, could make out small ginger curls peeking out.

"Shoyo..." muttered Kei, as much as he hated the King, it was still a blow far too low. But, then that made them just as bad as each other; or both were forced into the marriage and are compromising?

"How long?" queried Kei, what is this man up too? What could possibly benefit him with telling Kei? What was he in for, blackmail?

"Since before our marriage, Kozume has been seeing your brother in secret."

Stumbling with slight inelegance, Kei held onto the King's shoulders for balance. 'before our marriage' it rang as clear as the music in Kei's ears.

"I'm sor-" Kei started.

"Don't be. I've known about them since before we married, it's not new to me."

"Yet you still went through with it."

"It's complicated."

"Then explain it to me."

"Kei it's-"

"Not for me? You've just revealed my brother's scandal how could anything you say next be any worse. I hope you're also aware I'm not the child you remember me as, your highness."

"No... No, you aren't."

Kei looked anywhere but at his partner as they skipped across the grand marble floor, painted delicately with pictures of humans reaching out to angels. His sharp white blazer fanning out in an arch as they turned and passed those watching around the edges, contrasting his partners crimson attire boldly. The irony was that the King looked like a devil, a devil dancing over angels.

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