Payback Time- Part 8-10

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I'm now on my way home via police escort. Just crying while riding in the back seat. I'm in more disbelief than heartache. I really can't believe what just happened; I mean right in front of my face. She was my daughter but the reality of this all is I did not have love for Ivory. But I really did want the best for her.
I will never be able to erase that moment from my mind. Her face expression and then sound of the gun going off. It was so much blood. Her eyes were still open looking straight at me.
Officer: Ma'am we're here.
Finally I arrived at home. I just want to hug and kiss my baby boy.
Only to walk into a empty house. No one is here and all my baby's clothes, shoes, toys... Everything is gone!
Calling Jewels over and over...
Texted like ten times. Trying to tell him about Ivory and to find out where he went with my baby.
It's now 2am. I must have fainted. I picked up the phone to call Jewels and all I hear is 'the number you have called is not in service.'
My mind is so cloudy and all I can do is scream because I know I will never see Rajem again.
I can't believe all the shit that's been going on. I'm just thankful I got my son away from both those crazy bitches.
I can't believe Rebecca was keeping secrets from me. I mean we all have a past but she bought her skeletons to my door. I refuse let my son be raised around all this drama. I heard a gun shot, I'm not sure what's going on but we have to go son. I packed all of Rajem's shit and grabbed a few things for myself. I've been driving for about two hours and my phone keeps ringing and text messages are sounding. I pull over to a rest stop to see what's going on. It's Rebecca saying, " Ivory commited suicide, where are you where did you go with Rajem I need to hold my son."
So the gun shot I heard was Ivory. I'm kind of relieved that it wasn't Rebecca. But we are done. She abandoned her first child and I will not give her the chance to mistreat my son. I sent here one last text and then I called to have my line disconnected.
My head is spinning I've had too many damn drinks and I keep finding myself reading that fucking text message over and over again. I'm so stressed out and confused. I want to call the cops but I know that they won't consider it a kidnapping because he is the legal father. Deep down inside I know that Jewels will never do anything to harm Rajem but I just miss my baby so much.
It's now 11am and I've just been sitting around. I feel nauseous because I haven't eaten anything. I began to vomit. While racing for the toilet I hear the sound of my doorbell. So I cleaned my face and stumbled to the door.
I looked through the door and noticed a police officer standing on my step. I opened the door and it was the same officer that escorted me home yesterday.
Hello Ma'am- Ms.Rollins... I'm Officer Levine. I gave you a escort home yesterday. I was patrolling the neighborhood and thought I should check on you. Ma'am what you witnessed was awful and you were pretty shaken up and I've had you on my mind since then.
How are you holding up Ma'am?
I'm just staring at him while trying to hold myself up by leaning against the door.
Officer Levine:
Ma'am-Ms.Rollins, are you ok? Do you need any help? Ma'am is there anyone in the home with you?
I tried to speak but I just couldn't maintain myself. It seemed as if he was asking all the wrong questions. I slide down to floor in the doorway crying. He picked me up off the floor as if I was a feather and carried me to the sofa.
All I could do was lay my head on his shoulder and cry. He placed me down and I began to tell him everything. About my rape, my first pregnancy and how I gave her away, my name change, Jewels, Rajem, and of course Ivory.


Officer Victor Levine:
I've been living in Charlotte North Carolina all my life. Most of my family members are on the police force. That's what I have known and been raised around so of course being a police officer was inevitable. I was so proud when I completed the academy. Call me Officer Victor Levine... Yeah I can get used to that.
I've been on the force for five years now. I love what I do. I'm single. No kids and I living a comfortable life.
Just another day on the job and a call comes in from a woman walking saying she seen a flash in a parked car. She believes it was a gun shot but she couldn't hear because she was wearing headphones. I was the first officer to arrive on the scene. It was terrifying. The lady was distraught. She had blood on her and was yelling and crying. She was just starring at the deceased woman; gunshot wound to the head and her eyes were wide open. Tear ducts still filled with fluid. I just kept thinking why would someone so young commit suicide. Detectives arrived statements were taken and I offered to take her home. I've seen a lot of shit but for some reason this case followed me home. I had to know why.
After a long night of tossing and turning and began my work day. After about two hours of patrolling I went back to the precinct and asked if I could have the remainder of the day off because I was just too exhausted to serve and protect anybody. (More importantly I was too concerned about the woman from yesterday.) As I was driving home I just couldn't get that woman off my mind so I decided to drop by and check in on her.
I rang the bell; it took her some time to open the door. She smelled like a damn whino. And as I was talking she was just lost just starring at me. Then she slide to the floor and I picked her up but as I carried her she just layed her head on me as if she needed me. She felt safe and personally I didn't mind giving her my shoulder to cry on.
As she explained her story and I just couldn't believe all the pain she'd endured. I didn't utter a word I just sat and listened. Now I'm starring. A persons eyes tell a lot. And through all her pain I see a beautiful woman. I just want to be here for her ad long as she will allow me to be.

Payback Time 8-10Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя