Chapter 1: The Chosen One

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   One day, on a cold winter morning, in the thick green woods, there was a human male running from three angry and scary werewolves. One had black fur, another had blonde fur and the last one had white fur.
   The human had white skin, with brown head and facial hair, and dark green eyes. He was wareing a pair of ripped blue jeans, a light blue shirt, a thick black coat, black, white and red shoes, black cotton gloves and a blue backpack. He also had weapons, tool's, food and gadgets on his 6'2 body.
   Desperately trying to run he was almost out of breath. He has been running for quite some time but his adrenaline was enough to keep him moving. As he was running through the woods he had to move left and right, jump up and slide to get a past any trees, rocks or puddles of freezing water on the ground.
   As the werewolves were catching up to him he saw a open view in the distance. It was wide open space with no trees. Thinking it would be a perfect chance for him to get away giving them a slip or at least fight them easily he ran to it.
   The closer he got he began to calm down a little. But before he could even realize that it, a tiny hill he tumbled down. Rolling continuously down the hill he fell into a icy river. A good amount of ice broke upon impact where he landed.
   The rest of the cold water combined with the windy weather made his body relax and cooled off. But the good feeling wasn't enough to numb the pain of his now broken right leg kneecap.
   With his hands on his injured leg he started screaming in pain. Knowing he was still being chased, he applied pressure on his kneecap, using his thumbs, to snap it back into place. It was a successful attempt. Trying not to scream at the searing pain he heard the noise of the werewolves getting closer.
   One of the werewolves stood on the top off the hill howling at the sky. As the werewolf was howling it started to turn into human form. When the creature was done transforming it turned into a beautiful young girl.
   The girl was brown skinned, with long and curly black hair and had brown eyes. She wore peryton fur skin native american like clothes. She also had a necklace with a Crystal Gemstone on it and she was barefooted.
   As she walked down the hill getting closer to the human he tried to get up. She neither looked or was happy. She had a very upset face and didn't look like she was in a talking mood.
   As he tried to get up the other two werewolves jumped close to the river while transforming. By the time they landed they had transformed into human form as well.
   The one on the left was a young girl with Griffin fur skin native american like clothes and a gemstone necklace. She had short straight white hair with purple eyes and light brown skin.
   The one on the right was a young boy with unicorn fur Native American like clothes and a gemstone necklace. He had white skin with Haseal eyes and bleach blonde head and facial hair.
   As all three of them got closer to the human he slowly backed away getting out two silver swords in each hand.
   "Lesson here!" The human spoke gasping for breath seriously and loudly. "These blade's are made of pure Silver. If this goes deep enough into your body you know what happens".
   The werewolves stop dead in there track's. They looked at his blade's to see if he was joking but they realized just by the color he was not lying. But the dark skinned girl werewolf wanted to see if he really would do it. So she walked a little closer.
   The human, still gasping pretty hard, getting more serious, said "I mean it! If you come any closer you will die" the human shouted.
   The dark skin werewolf stopped and said in a low raspy voice "look...we don't want any trouble. But this is our territory. you need to leave".
   The human started laughing and then said "first of all this land belongs to my people. Second of all who do you think you are?".
   "I think I am Elu the alpha of the werewolf clan wolfsbang and owner of these lands. This part of the forest has been protected by our pack. This is wolfsbang territory. And outsiders like yourself are not invited".
   The human didn't let it show but he was intrigued. He liked her bravery but not so much her attitude. "And what about thing One and thing two over there?".
   Elu look gave both of her werewolf packmates a glance. "They are my brother and sister. Aiyana and Kai".
   "hello it is good to see you" Aiyana said with a high squeaky voice.
   "Hello" Kai settlement deep sexy male voice.
   The human rolled his eyes and rudely said "Oh what? Are we're going to braid each other's hair now? Look...I'm in no mood to kill any one of you so I'll make you a deal. You all leave me alone, don't try to follow me and I will leave. You'll never hear from me again. Ok?".
   Elu crossed her arms with a surly face thinking about it. "all right! You have a deal...go".
   The human starts walking away.
   "Elu wait!" Kai whispered in Elu's ear. "Maybe there's a reason why he's in our territory. What if he's one of us? Or he could be a lone wolf trying to find a den to call home".
   Elu felt a little stupid for not asking that earlier. So she continued by asking "wait!".
   The human stopped and looked at her.
   "Maybe I made a mistake. Are you by chance one of us?".
   "You mean a werewolf?" The human asked was a raised eyebrow. "God no! I'm a human!".
   The three werewolves were in shock.
   "You're a human?" Aiyana asked excited.
   "No he can't be! There hasn't been any humans for a century ever since "The Great Monster War" Elu said.
   Kai looked at Elu and said "oh there has been some reported sightings of some but nothing has been confirmed. So maybe there's still some out there".
   "Yes and that is precisely what I'm doing" the human put in with a sad fase. "I know I'm not the last of my kind. There's more humans out there...there has to be".
   Way back in 2044 there was a great war against humans, monsters and mythical creatures. The reason for the war was because the humans were afraid of the monsters and mythical creatures. They didn't like them for many reasons such as religious differences, political differences, racial differences and over all just being different.
   They were forced to live in the shadows as far back as anyone can remember. So one day they were all tired of it and started a retaliation. A civil war between humans and monsters. The war lasted until the year 2056. As man kind realized the monsters and mythical creatures were too much for them they all mysteriously disappeared.
   Some monster and mythical folk say they were all killed off in the war. Others believe that some of them may have found someplace to hide and live free from monsters. There have been rumors of humans roaming around from time to time but nothing could be proven.
   "Human! If you don't mind me asking what is your name?" Aiyana asked calmly.
   The human raised is eyebrows then answered "Draco Mayweather! why?".
   "Draco?! Are you sure you're a human? Because that's sounds like a vampire name".
   Draco rolled his eye and said "Yeah my first name is English rooted. But that doesn't make me a vampire, you know?".
   "Enough of this!" Elu barked. "I will not ask you again human...leave or get eaten!".
   Ailaya and Kai both did not want to harm him now that they knew he was human.
   Draco infuriated by her dominance he said "my name know what nevermind. Just come over here and show me what you got "Alpha"".
   "Oh I will!" Elu eagerly said then started running up to Draco in Her black furry werewolf from.
   Her siblings tried to stop her but they were too late. Elu jumped into the air trying to pounce on Draco but rolled over to the side.
   He then took multiple swings at her with his silver swords. Her reflexes were not the best but she wasn't easy to hit either.
   She then attempted to bite him but then he upper cutted her in her jaw with sword still in hand.
   Then he jumped in the air and did a roundhouse kick onto her throat.
   Landing on the ground he then jumped on her. She attempted to use her werewolf strength but he got her pinned down pretty good.
   "Wow for human he's pretty strong" Elu thought.
   "You know this is kind of romantic if you think about it" Draco said sarcastically.
   Her siblings realized she was in trouble. They still didn't want to hurt Draco but they loved their sister too much and started helping with the fight.
   Draco put his left hand into the air as quick as he could in an attempt to stab Elu in the rib cage. But before he could even attempt it, Kai and Ailaya, in there werewolf from's, stopped him by grabbing his arm.
   Elu saw the open window of opportunity so she forced both of her legs to kick him off her.
   Kai and Aiyana realize what she was about to do and both of them let go of Draco's hand.
   The kick was strong and successful. So strong that he went flying in the air and what's in severe pain in his lower tummy. But planting his swords into the ground made a quick safe landing using his swords to cushion his fall.
   Elu, Aiyana and Kai ran at Draco all together. Draco got his swords out of the ground and sliced and diced to keep all of them back almost simultaneously.
   "How are you guys this dumb? You're going up against a guy that has two swords made out of the thing that kills you. You got guts I'll give you that" Draco said still slicing with his energy slowly but surely coming back.
   "You may know and have our weakness. But we are proud warriors. We don't go down without a fight. Plus not only that take those swords away and you're just a pathetic little human" Elu said then tried using her sharp claws to try and scratch him but Draco dodged it.
   Draco did not like that one bit.
Kai went in for a bite but Draco stopped the bite with his left arm with still in hand. Then with his right arm cut him in the fase.
   It was a good cut but it wasn't deep enough to kill him. As he screamed in pain, with both hands covering his face, there was steam coming out of his freshly made cut.
   As a result of the silver slightly singing and cooking his flesh. But unluckily, thanks to the werewolves regenerating abilities, it healed mighty fast.
   Elu and Aiyana tried to pounce on Draco but he did a forward roll, got on his feet, and then jumped up in the air.
   With both of his swords he jumped up then fixated himself on Kai in an attempt to stab him in the chest. But Kai knew what he was doing and used his speed to get behind him.
   As Draco landed Kai use his left arm and grabbed him on the back of his shirt. He squared in desperation wanting to let him go.
   Getting a good grip on him with both his arms now he pinned him down.
   Now Draco was on the ground his head was into the river water. He realized he had to be careful for his head was underwater and he couldn't go up for breath. He needed to hold his breath for as long as he can and not tire himself out. And if he opened his mouth water is going to get into his system and he'll start drowning.
   He tried useing his swords to hit kai with them the best he could. But since his head was underwater he really didn't know where he was swinging. At that point Elu and Aiyana we're already running up to Draco presumably to eat him.
   Draco needed to think quick otherwise he would be dog food soon. But before he could even think Kai put him out of the water and back on to dry ground. Draco, still forced face down to the ground, started to safely breathe again and also squirmed around trying to get out of the position he was in.
   Kai asked worryingly "big sister! What do you want us to do?".
   "Isn't it obvious? kill him!" Elu said.
   Kai didn't like that answer and neither did Aiyana as she said "No! you can't do this" Aiyana said nervously.
   Kai didn't say anything and was about to obey and prepared to bite him in the neck. Then they heard a noise not too far off into the woods. They looked at the direction of the noise was coming from. It sounded like something big and giant. It sounded almost like a bull.
   All of them were confused.
   "What was that?" Kai asked.
   "I don't know! Is it a troll?" Aiyana asked.
   "I don't think so. It sounds bigger" Elu.
   Neither of them knew what that was not even Draco. But he had bigger fish to fry right now. So he forced his head over to Kai's left hand and bit it as hard as he could. He synced his teeth into Kai's hand so far he crunched his bones.
As Kai let go of Draco and screamed in pain and agony, he got something from underneath his black coat. It was a homemade pepper bomb made from scratch. He threw on Kai's face and it made a huge cloud of pepper.
   The pepper cloud got into Kai's, Aiyana's and Elu's eyes and noses. Draco on the other hand had his eyes closed his nose held. The werewolves tried to get the pepper out of their eyes all the while sneezing. This gave Draco the perfect opportunity to slip out undetected. He moved moved out straight away and out of the cloud.
   "What is this strange Cloud?" Elu asked.
   "I don't know but it's hurting my eyes" Aiyana said.
   "I can't see anything" Kai said.
   When he felt it was safe he looked back at them tempted to kill them. But something in him just wouldn't let him do it. It was like someone was forcing him not to. He tried to fight it but he couldn't. He figured it's because he didn't want to risk getting caught and almost killed again.
   Not really knowing why he quickly put his swords back in there holder. He then started running for his life into the woods. The werewolf still trying to get the pepper out of their eyes realize that he was gone.
   "Guys he ran away!" Elu said rubbing her eyes but can see well enough.
   "Can't we just let him go? It's not like he hurt anybody" Aiyana said for she had already gotten the pepper out of her eyes.
"Yeah I say we just let him go" kai said washing out his eyes and nose.
   "No! He intruded on our lands and he tried to kill us. He must be punished for it".
   I took the lead and used the river water to flush the pepper out of his eyes and nose. The water smelled kind of funny though.
   He then started sniffing where he last was and started following his sent trail. As Kai learned the sent, Aiyana stalked his sent to. Both of them found it distinct. Like nothing they had ever seen before. Both of them then transformed into a werewolf while on the run still sniffing the scent trail. There sister caught up to them and followed right behind their tails.
   Draco now running in the woods could hear them coming. He quickly got an idea. He stopped and quickly took off his backpack. He opened it up and got out his own homemade grappling hook. It was made out of slightly rusty metal. It looked like something you would use in a nuclear post-apocalyptic movie.
   He lifted up his arms with the grappling hook and fired it. The grappling hook successfully anchored onto a thick and hard to break branch. He grabbed his backpack with his right hand and with his right hand he click the button and it zipped him up to the tree branch.
   He got up as close to the branch as he could and then used his arms to pull his body onto the branch.
It was kind of hard with both of his hands full but he managed. Safely sitting on the branch he put his backpack back on him after he put the grappling hook back in it.
Looking down he started laughing and said "there never find me up here. And even if they do discover I climbed up this tree I'll be gone by the time they realize it". He then got on his feet and started to jump from branch to branch in all the trees.
   Aiyana and Kai still in werewolf form follow the Draco's scent until it ended. They sniffed in multiple places around where the scent ended but couldn't find anything. A werewolf can smell the scent but they can't physically see it. The werewolves transformed into there human forms again scratching her head.
   "Did you lose the seant?" Elu asked.
   "Yes! The scent completely came to an end here" Kai said curiously.
   "He must have disappeared somehow" Aiyana said hoping they would stop chasing him after hearing that.
   "Just like the rumors say. Monsters see a human, they run away and then they just disappear without a Trace" Kai said.
   "Impossible! Humans have no such power. No...There has to be a logical exclamation for this" Elu said.
   "Well then what do you think happened? Do you think he used magic or something? Some humans where capable of such things" Kai asked Elu with a frown.
   Elu thought that was a good question for she did not know. She thought about it then she looked up at the tree closest where the scent ended. Then it hit her like a slap to the face.
   "He climbed that tree somehow!" She said as she looked up and pointed to the tree that he climbed up.
   Kai looked at that tree and confusingly asked "how did a human with no claws get up there that fast? And why don't we see him up in that tree?".
   "Humans can be smart. I'm sure he had some sort of human...thing to help him get up there".
   Draco still up and moving around in the trees stood on a branch that broke do his weight. He tried to grab a another branch but it was too late. He fell to the ground not too far away from the werewolves. He managed to land safely with some minor pain. Unfortunately he didn't land quietly.
Then the werewolves heard the thud with their super hearing they quickly looked in the direction of the sounds origins.
   "There he is! Get him!" Elu ordered as she ran to Draco in werewolf from same as the others.
   Draco seeing them running up to him again realized these guys were smarter than the average werewolves. He had faced werewolves before but not as smart as them. The werewolves he faced before would had easily lost interest as soon as their prey got away. He quickly started running again.
   He had one last trick up his sleeve. If this didn't work he would be as good as dead. He had a bunch of small and Light homemade landmine's on the inside of his coat. He detonated the mine's one by one and put them down as he ran in a zig zaggy motion. The werewolves knew he was trying to give them the silp but they didn't know he was placing explosives.
   Draco had placed all the minds that he had and was now completely out of options. Life right now was a poker game and it was time to bet all and win or fold and lose everything.
Then in the distance he could see a cave. Draco knew if he went in there he would be traped and more then likely get eaten. But he also knew he couldn't keep running in the woods either. For if he did he'd run out of breath very soon and pass out.
   And if he went up in the trees again they that's would be to oveis. But they could also climb the tree too. So in complete desperation he went into the cave at it was the best chance to survive.
   As he passed through the cave entrance he realized it was illuminated with faint noises coming from inside. Which to him was very strange made him think. Then he realized this was a werewolf den. He heard explosives outside. He didn't know if they werewolves were dead or at the very injured so he stopped.
   On the verge of passing out he listened for the werewolves inside. It was a little hard to hear with the faint noise, the loud beating of his heart and his heavy breathing. He could eventually hear them running and growling so he started running again. Not long after then he tripped over a rock and landed face first on the ground. He received a concussion and blacked out a few seconds after the impact.
   Then the werewolves finally caught up with him. Changing out of their werewolf form and into their human form they looked at him.
   Aiyana looked at him sadly asked "Is he dead?" said.
   Kai took it upon himself to check his pulse with his arm. He felt for a pulse for a few seconds and felt nothing. When he came to a conclusion he said "no he's alive! He's just unconscious. So what do we do now Alpha".
   Elu thought about this very hard. Almost no one in their pack had eaten a human before. And ironically enough he passed out right in their own den. So she made a decision.
"Let's drag him into the den with the others. I've always wanted to know what a human taste like. And now we all can know what that's like" Elu said smiling.
   "With all do respect sister...I don't think he really deserves to be eaten" Ailaya said nervously.
   "Why?! He intruded on our land, he attacked us, and he even went into our den. We have to do something about this. We can't just let this go unpunished".
   "No sister listen to me!" Aiyana snapped. "When I caught his's...hard to explain. It's like I could smell human and mixed with something else".
   Elu was completely confused and surprised. Not just because of what she said but because it was a rare occurrence for her to be angry at her like that. "Are you saying that he is a hybrid?".
   "I don't know I've just never smelled this before. I don't know if he is or if that's just the way he smells. But if he has any werewolf blood in him he must go on trial. It's one of our Golden Law's".
   In werewolf culture there are 10 golden laws. 1: stay your claws away from the flesh of the innocent. 2: don't kill any pack members. 3: all of werewolf blood must be sentenced to trials if they have done wrong. 4: be prepared to fight not just at night but in day. 5: respect every member of the pack regardless of pack title. 6: do not attack another werewolf pack unless absolutely necessary. 7: never let go of your warrior spirit. 8: stay strong for those you love. 9: work hard for the fruits of your labor. 10: be the best you could be.
   "well it doesn't matter if he is a hybrid or not. He broke more than one of our laws. And you know what happens to monsters or humans who break our rules".
   "Sister!" Kai said to Elu in an upset tone. "I love you but she is right. You have to follow our rules. Just because you're the Alpha that doesn't mean you disobey the rules whenever you seek fit".
   Elu was upset that no one was backing her up.
   "Okay how about this?" Aiyana said coming down. "Let's take him to the elder. He's older and wiser than anyone in this pack. He will give him a fair trial. If he see's him innocent we let him go. If he see's him guilty you as the Alpha can do whatever you seek fit".
   Elu didn't like that suggestion. "Why are we coming to him for advice? I am the Alpha!".
   "Yes but you're still too young to have full leadership. And because of his age and experience he is ranked higher than you technically speaking. So whether you like it or not we have to do this".
   Elu started to make angry wolf noises. She realized that her brother was right but she didn't want to admit it. Hoping her sister would take her side she turned to her and asked "Ailaya what about you? Would you stand by his side in his trial?".
   "Yes" Ailaya simply and passionately said.
   "I would too. And if you don't do this both of us well not hesitate to tell the Elder" Kai said with a serious look.
   Realizing she couldn't say anything else at this point, Elu finish saying "Fine! Help me drag him into the Den and he shall have a fair trial".
   So Kai, Ailaya, and Elu dragged him further into the Den so that he would receive his trial.
   Upon entering the deepest part of the den, where all the other werewolves were, the pack looked at the three most important members of their pack bringing in a person. They all thought it was supposed to be dinner so they surrounded Elu and her siblings.
   "Well it's about time we got food" one of the werewolf said.
   "Doesn't look like much" another werewolf said.
   "Whatever! Beggars can't be choosers at this point. Let's dig in shall we" said another werewolf.
   "Stop!" Elu ordered everyone with her hands facing forward protecting Draco.
   We everyone got the message she continued. "Everyone this is not food! This is a human who broke our laws and now he must be put on Trial".
   The other werewolf quitely talked among themselves in disbelief.
   "What?! That's thing down there is a Human? That's Impossible!" One of the pack members said pointing at Draco.
   "I don't really believe it either. But my sister thinks that he maybe some kind of human and werewolf hybrid or something. And if that's the case then we must be fair with him".
   "And just how are you going to figure out if he is one of us or not?" The same pack member said.
   "Leave that to me" a werewolf in the background said.
   The other werewolf pack members moved out of the way of the werewolf that spoke. It was an older white skin with a black cloak on and blonde hair. He had a medallion on and walked with a magical staff made of brown wood and it had a green crystal on top. His eyes we're glowing red and his face was very wrinkly.
   Surprise to see him, Elu said "Elder Takoda...i-". "Came here to give this man a trial. I know...I heard everything" Takoda said kindly.
   He then looked at him to see if was in fact a Human and what happened. "What happened to him?".
   "We chased him because he was intruding on our land. We gave him a chance to leave but he fought back. We chased him through the woods and into the entrance of this den and I guess he must have tripped on a rock and blacked out into unconsciousness".
   Takoda waved his magical staff around Draco which make him levitate off the ground. As he leftitated him to the middle of the Den all the other werewolves made a pathway for him. He magically and gently put him down and asked "You also said something about him being a hybrid right?" Takoda asked.
   "My sister believes him to be. I personally don't know" Elu said.
   "I believe it. So much so that I would like to stand by him in judgment. Because I don't think he's just a human...I think he's...I think he is "the chosen one".
   Everyone in the den immediately started quietly talking amongst themselves agian.
   The werewolf elder was intrigued. "Well if you think so then he must not be put on trial. We'll have to give him "the test"".
   "Sould we wake him up before that?" Kai asked mildly laughing.
   "No!" Takoda answered. "I can tell just by looking at him he needs sleep. Let's leave him alone somewhere to rest. Someone is going to have to watch him so that when he wakes up he won't do anything foolish".
   "I'll do it" Ailaya said as she picked him with both her arms and took him into her room.
   "Very well. Take him to us as soon as he wakes up. Oh...and take away his weapons and his other things away until after the test is taken and he trusts us" Takoda said.
   "Yes Elder Takoda" she said as she continued walking.
   Takoda then went into a deep thought. He wondered if the time had come for the prophecy to come true. Was this the the chosen one ment to restoring balance to the post-apocalyptic world and turning it into a new world? Or was this human just in the wrong place at the most inconvenient time. The test would surely show whether or not he was worthy of being the chosen one.

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