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"wifey ho are you? did you enjoy your ride ?" itachi asked as he wrapped her arms around hinatas waist

"yep! it was long but i was accompanied by sasuke and naruto , you know how cute they are when they are together " a small giggle escaped from hinata's lips as she embrace her husband 

"well it's good to know that you enjoyed your rip without me" itachi said as she fixed hinata's hair 

Looking at the place makes hinata's eyes glow up in amazement ,they don't really have much time for themselves because of too much work 

"Huby are you sure about this vacation? are we really safe here?" hinata asked worriedly as she look up at his husband 

" don't worry everything is fine, and beside we have everyone around us , nothing to worry , " itachi said while smiling at hinata and giving her a quick kiss on her lips 

it was night and time for them to start the celebration. everyone was having a good time and drinking .

"Hinata where are you going ? " sakura asked who was holding a bottle of beer

" oh! ahm ! i forgot my necklace inside our yacht, ill just going to get it  " hinata replied whith a smile 

" ill come with you" sakura offers as she stand up and walks towards hinata 

"no you don't have to,i can handle it myself , dont worry about me you should go back their and enjoy the party! ok?" she politely decline and walk again out of the house

She walk towards their yacht alone since she doesn't want to bother anyone.

as she walk away sakura went back to her friends and joined the celebration. They were all laughing, dancing and did crazy stuff since this day won't last forever.

Itachi who just walk out of the bathroom notice that hinata wasn't there with her friends so walk towards naruto,kiba and sasuke if they know where hinata is but they all said no. He went to his mother and ask her if she have seen hinata , but she also said no. Until he saw sakura who was sitting next to ino, he walk towards her  and 

"Excuse me sakura but have you seen my wife?" itachi asked her

" yes, she walk out and went to your yacht cause she forgot her necklace " sakura said looking at him

" oh thank you!" itachi said and excused himself and walk outside

as he was outside he saw their yacht and walk towards it, as he was about to be a little close to the place ......

******** BOOOOOOMMMMMM*******

a loud explosive noise made itachi stop  from walking . He slowly step towards the yacht and wish that its not their yacht, that hinata wasn't inside there and hinata was safe. Bt when he saw a hat flying  and fell on the ground in front of him , his knees weakened. Everyone went out the house, they were all shocked , and they all run towards itachi, who was kneeling and staring at the half burned hat, the hat that belongs to hinata.


hey guys another story and  i hope you like it

its an itahina fanfiction

i donot own the characters thank you  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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