The night howlers

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It was a nice lovley day with a bright blue sky.
A group of school teens were going on a field trip(a very nice thing when wanting to go away from your parents). The field trip was in the forest because thats where they decided to camp for the night but little did they know that in those very woods lived a pack of wild wolves.
They were known as the night howlers because they only came out in the night when there was a full moon glazing over them

There field trip was going great,
Everything was going amazing, they were having fun and bonding with each other. Until the bus broke down in the middle of no where, the teacher forgot to take extra tyres and to refill the tank.
So they had to walk the rest of the way
They walked for hours hungry and scared but they still found time for joke around and have fun.
All of a sudden they heard a loud noise but they didn't seem to care at all.
But the further they walked the louder the sound became
The teenagers became scared, hoping not to die so the ran away along with the teacher but 2 students stayed behind. They thought of exploring the forest and to the wierd loud sound
But sadly they walked around and found nothing connected to the sound.
Darkness came upon the forest, trees looked like zombies hungry for brains but still the boys would not give up searching
The darker it got in the forest the louder the sound became
Only to realize that among them was a pack of wild wolves. One by one they ran looking for safety, no one but trees were in sight
So they cried for help hoping for someone to show up but everyone had vanished already

they were alone and scared surrounded by 10 wild wolves, which looked ready to eat them alive
Closer and closer the wolves came with there large claws ready to tear them up into pieces
But that was not there intention

The boys got scared so much they started running away, forgetting that they were being chased by wolves in a forest
They ran for there lives but no matter how fast they were, the wolves caught up to them.
Slowly the wolves finally got to them,
All they wanted was to turn the boy's into night howlers, by using the hard way
They bit the boys on the neck leaving blood stains and marks on them, after that they scattered.

The boys ran and finally got to the rest of the class knowing nothing about the bites on there necks.
They took it as a small thing not knowing that any bite from those wolves turns that person in to a night howler.

In the mean time the teacher got a mechanic to fix the bus for them.
Soto pass time they decided to play games while waiting but not knowing that game can led to people missing (who cares)
They played with a frizby, they kept throwing it higher and higher untill it flew far up in the trees.
One child volunteered to get it so he went and
he started climbing the tree
Hs went higher and higher untill he was out of site and that's when it happened............
All you could hear was someone screaming
Everyone got scared
As they thought nothing could get worse
An arm fell from the top of the tree and blood dripping from the tree
All they knew is that jordan was killed but by what?
Everyone stayed together to protect each other
All of a sudden they heared another loud howl........
Something moving at the speed of light
Back and forth they see a scary shadow moving towards them.....
They turn around to see Gerade and Issac turning into big hairy wolfs and howling
(what is going on and why are they wolves)
Everyone was so quite you could here a silent fart
The situation getting worse by the second
Everyone scared at there top of there lungs
There hearts beating
Thinking about there loved ones
But luckily the boys snapped out of it and turned back to normal and the wolves ran away leaving it for another day the boys were taken care of but for how long will they be normal?
The next day everyone was ready to go home
Hoping for there normal lives and to see there parents (they were desperate)
As they got on the bus, they suddenly became surrounded by wild wolves from the bottom to the top
They started howling which triggered the boys
They went fool wolf during the day, and it was the most dangerous thing ever to turn to a wolf in daylight, they left no one alive
One by one students were shredded
Bones all over the floor
Blood dripping from their sharp teeth and noise from there angry howling

Chapter 2

From a few hundred miles away the howls were heard leaving clank town full of fear
The situation got out of hand
100 deaths were recorded in one month
The town could not take it any more so professional wolf hunters were hired(at least thats what it said on the badge Profesional wolf hunters)
The town was sure that they were safe
But the wolf hunters weren't so serious
5 more wolf attacks in one day
People were banging on the doors of the hunters like animals
Untill one day they decided to take action
They took of and went to the forest
They went past so many warning signs
But did not pay attention to any of them everywhere they go all there was, was blood, bones and pieces of human parts
The hunters were afraid of being hunted by what they were hunting
Slowly the hunters moved in the forest watching there backs and looking out for traps
The hunters were pretty smart but not smart enough
Once again there was a howl louder than the previous ones. It brought chills in the spines of the hunter
They took out there sniper rifles ready to attack what ever came there way
So as they walked one man suddenly disappeared
They looked back, searched everywhere but didn't find anything
Then all of a sudden there a dead body fell from the trees
The hunters ran like little babies who saw a rat
Sadly no one made it out alive but this led to the doom of the town
This was a warning to the town that if anyone came to there territory
Then the town will die but didn't seem as if the warning was clear because the town still wanted to get rid of the wolfs
So more and more people went to the forest, more of them died and thats when the wolfs were irritated

Chapter 3

The wolves had, had enough of the town sending people. They took matters further as going into to town. They started there journey and they got more and more wolves on there way. As tense as the situation was for the town now they had to deal with deadly animals ready to tear them lim from lim. There were 1000 wolves ready for the best dinner of there lives. They went in killing everyone who ever went there way. They didn't get tired, the village was going mad, all you saw was people running for there lives not trying to be eaten but sadly failed. The military came on the scene ready to kill all the wolves.
Several died and the rest went back to the forest.
The wolves did not give up but they wanted another fight along with the boys.
They then started to get ready, new babies were born ro help the wolf pack win the war..........
The military came to the forest and started bombing the forest. The war had started between humans and the night howlers.
The Howlers went in groups killing, chopping the humans in half but the humans killed alot of wolves with there bombs. Help from below the sea, the robots and every other living animal on the earth on the wolves side leaving the humans devistated and worried about tbe situation. The people scattered fast but not fast enough.
They were killed before there time by there own inventions and nature. Life was unfair for the humans because non sirvived, the world was later ruled by the animals and the robots
And the organization was further known as The night howlers

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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