Grocery Shopping

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This all started with grocery shopping

The reality of it is: Cara should've known better.

For the Creator's sake she was married to the woman.

Dottie was a wild card, at all times. Never ever assume that she is going to behave. That would be your first mistake.


Denna had asked if Cara and Dottie would go grocery shopping. Cara should've said no. Maybe then, she wouldn't be in as much trouble as she is now. Cara legitimately thought that Dottie was being serious when she came up with 20,000 different items. So she blew her top.

Here is how it happened:

Cara was sitting on the couch reading on her phone, when Dottie bounced in. She almost instantly sits in her wife's lap. With a chuckle Cara lowered her phone to give Dottie her undivided attention.

"Morning, Dot." Cara whispered against Dottie's neck.

"Morning, Car." Dottie chirped back with a grin.

"Get a room!" Anya yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"I can do what I want. Cara's my wife." Dottie responded childishly.

Rolling her eyes, Cara went back to nuzzling Dottie's neck, causing Dottie to purr a little.

Next, Triana came down. Instantly she had her coffee cup in hand. After pouring herself a cup, she poured one for Denna. She picked them both up, nodded to everyone, and then went back upstairs.

"Looks like they had a long night in the bedroom." Dottie snickered.

"SHUT IT!" Triana yelled down the stairs.

Then Dahlia came down. She went straight to Anya, and curled into her side.

"Now who needs to get a room." Cara snickered to the fiancées. Dottie laughed and kissed Cara.

"Ha. Ha." Anya said sarcastically.

Eventually Denna came downstairs. Triana close behind her. "Oh, yeah. Cara? Can you and Dottie go grocery shopping for me? I don't feel too good."

Cara looked to Dottie for confirmation. "Sure. Do you have a list?"

Denna quickly left to search for it.

"I'm pretty sure Denna feels fine. She'll feel a lot better than fine in an hour, if you catch my drift." Dottie whispered into Cara's ear.

Oh. Oh.

Denna came back out with the list. "Here you go, and thank you."

Cara smiled at her. "Of course."

When they arrived at the store Dottie had informed Cara that she had snuck a cup of coffee into her breakfast. Much to Cara's horror. Dottie was banned from coffee ever since she and Anya decided to see what would happen if they drank all of Triana's coffee. Dottie ended up with a broken arm and a black eye after she accidentally slammed herself into a door.

"May the Creator have mercy on me." Cara whispered.

The Creator did not have mercy on her.

Dottie had been bouncing from aisle to aisle coming back with various items, and every time Cara would send her back. Cara knew that Dottie was trying to get rid of her energy. Really, she did. But she could only take so much. Dottie came back with another item, and Cara blew up.

"Could you stop being an annoying hyperactive spaz for like two minutes, and do what you're supposed to for once?!" Cara yelled.

Dottie stopped dead in her tracks. "Sorry."

After that things went smoothly. Too smoothly. Cara noticed on the ride home that Dottie didn't say a word to her. And for the rest of the trip, she did as she was told without a word as well. When they pulled in Cara asked, "Could you get the groceries while I unlock the door?"

"Sure." Dottie replied with a flat tone.

Cara frowned. She had never seen Dottie this quiet and submissive before.

Once they were inside Dottie turned to go to her room.

"Hey, I thought we were gonna watch a movie?" Cara asked Dottie.

She turned to her with a scowl. "I decided that I was gonna work on my annoying behavior, Cara."

Oh. Oh no.

Dottie then stormed up to her room — not Cara's, which is where she normally slept — and slammed her door shut.

"What did you do?" Dahlia asked her. Cara opened her mouth, but Dahlia continued. "She is much more sensitive than she seems, you know that Cara. What did you say to her?"

Cara sighed. "I got annoyed with her and called her a 'annoying hyperactive spaz who never does what she's supposed to.'"

Dahlia winced. "Ooooh. You're in trouble. You hit all the marks except stupid. That's on you, girl."

Which leads us here:

"Dottie, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" Cara said through the door. "Please answer!"

"You should know better, Cara. When she gets upset, she gets really upset. And now, your wife has locked you out of her room. You are doing great, sweetie." Denna teased as she walked by.

"Don't call me sweetie." With a sigh, Cara retreated to her room. Though she did notice that some of her shirts were missing.


The next morning Cara was the first downstairs. She didn't want to miss Dottie, if she came down. They got through half of breakfast before Anya asked Cara to take Dottie's plate upstairs. Taking the plate, Cara moved upstairs. "Dottie. Dottie open the door. I have your breakfast."

She heard shuffling, then the door swung open to reveal a tired Dottie.

"Thanks." Dottie said to her in that horrible flat tone, but before she closed the door Cara stopped it.

"Please, I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I swear. Please come back to our room. It's impossible for me to sleep without you." Cara begged.

Dottie looked at her warily. "You're sorry?"


"You swear that you didn't mean it?"


Dottie instantly jumped into her arms. "I can't sleep without you either." She said, causing Cara to chuckle.

Pulling back, Cara noticed something. "Is that my Halsey shirt?"

"No." Dottie said quickly.

"Did you steal my Halsey shirt and wear it to bed?" Cara pressed.

"Maybe." Dottie said quietly. "It smells like you, so I thought it would help me sleep."

" That's so cute!" Cara crooned.

"Is not!" Dottie shrieked, though a blush had appeared on her face.

"Come downstairs. I wanna eat with my beautiful wife."

"Fine." Dottie came downstairs.

Anya piped up. "Are the Sith's all back together?"

Cara looked at Dottie who was smiling at her. "Yep."

Denna then asked. "So will you go grocery shopping this week too?"

"No way in hell." Dottie snapped.

"No fucking way." Cara quipped simultaneously.

"Find someone else to be your backup. That place had already caused enough drama for me." Cara continued.

When Dottie nodded in agreement Denna sighed. "Fine."

Dottie then sat in Cara's lap to eat breakfast, eliciting a laugh from the latter. Cara craned her neck and kissed Dottie on the cheek.

And to think that she used to think that love made you weak.

Grocery ShoppingWhere stories live. Discover now