twoob 1 lol

9 0 0

Hey god if your reading this please dont send me down to hell anytime soon

"Hey boob," Elliot said, having a crazy idea, was he really going to confess?

"Hey lol" Boob said, he could see that that 2'1 deer had smt to say .

"ily lolz" it said

Boob smiled, he grabbed elliott's ear and dragged him through woods until they got to a tree. 

"this is what couples do lol" 


With their names carved into the tree, they looked back to admire it. 

E+B was carved into the tree, E standing for embarrassment (Elliot) and B standing for boog (Boog.)

"ok lol" embarrasment grined, "lets get outta here and go to taco bell"

stay tuned for when they go to taco bell lol

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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