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Dance classroom, 9:08.

"...and five six seven eight!" and the music started. The bodies of the dancers, the movements, the clothes fluttering,

"No Perfuma, you have to lift your leg more and keep your shoulders more relaxed! More passion students!" said the teacher. The scene was almost tragic; those light bodies that were moving like feathers in the air, with hearts as hard as stone. This is the ballet about. A heartless and fleeting love.

" This is Jack the Ripper, not Winnie the Pooh kids! Argh Sea Hawk! What the hell are you doing?! You gotta lift Mermista up, not let her crawl!" shouted our teacher Micah, in his shrill voice.

After the lesson...

"Good job Adora, you surprise me more every day. Keep on."

"Thanks teacher"

"Oh, call me just Micah. And one more thing;I was just thinking about your progress in this school in the last four months, and I have one thing to say... " he was looking at me with a strange gaze, like a snake and it's prey. It made me uncomfortable, but I didn't want to show it."... You might be in the Jack the Ripper's Dance Corps... Only if you want it too of course. "

I was shocked, and for a few seconds I just stared at him speechless.

"So... do you want it or..?"

Waking up from the blank state I stammered with enthusiasm "I-I- YES YES, I WANT IT I WANT IT! THANK YOU SO MUCH MICAH!"

He looked at me satisfied, as if my presence on the show was part of a bigger goal than the show itself.

Thinking of it, we were working on a new ballet, Jack the Ripper, a ballet that transmits violent love, perverse love, a love that intrigued the young and innocent girls to their death. It's a difficult ballet and our class was  chosen because we were the best class in school. We have been told that we only have two months to practice, so the tension was pretty high, and on top of that our teacher is Micah Ramirez, the legendary dance instructor known for his works and toughness.

When I was 7 years old, my mum, Catra and I went to see the "Beauty and the Beast" Ballett choreographed  by Micah Ramirez. When I watched the dancers' bodies move with so much pain and grace, me and Catra couldn't help but fall in love with ballet. Micah's works are recognized around the world as among the best works ever choreographed, and I can't say otherwise.
I believe that I somehow got his attention. Huh, lucky me...


After the lesson I was so tired that I walked to my room without thinking of anything else but the bed. I was like a zombie. Really. When I got to my room I didn't even notice Glimmer and Bow sitting on my bed talking.

"Tough day with Micah Ramirez huh? It's the price to pay to become the new rising star, blonde. " chuckles Bow

"Don't start chocolate abs"

"Otherwise you'll slam a grand pliè in his face?" Glimmer said laughing.

"Glimmeer pleeease, I'm soooo tired, I don't wanna talk I just wanna sleep... Move aside and wake me up in an hour, maybe then...(yawns) I'll want to talk to you guys... Ah, and I have to tell you something else...but maybe later... "
After that I finally fell asleep.



Two years have passed since I was kicked out from home and entered The New School of Dance in New York.
Since I was 7, I kept insisting with my parents let me study ballet, and after some time they finally let me. It was like the whole universe loved me, but that happiness didn't last very long, because during high school I was forbidden to continue dance classes.

As soon as I graduated, I wanted to resume ballet, but my parents wanted me to go to college instead, because they didn't want their only daughter to become a performer as they looked down on dance. Hearing that, I decided that I couldn't take it anymore. I had to tell them who I really was.

Just on top of that I came out to my parents as lesbian. They were so disappointed and ashamed that they kicked me out of the house... And out of their hearts. I was desperate, but I didn't lose hope so I applied for entry to the most famous dance school, The New School of Dance of New York.

But it was too late. The classes had already been formed and the registration deadline was over. I tried and tried again till the director asked me to dance for her. When I performed for her she saw something in me, witch I couldn't see in myself. I was dancing with body, and soul ,but I knew that she saw something that made me feel the song I chose differently from what she felt.A regretful and sad feeling.
I danced on this song called "A rising Star", a song that I used to dance with one person only. Catra.

I felt full of shame that time when I danced in front of the director, shame because I danced something that I wasn't supposed to dance in front of anyone but Catra.

Now I know what the director saw that day. She saw that I broke a promise that I shouldn't have broken. I showed something that wasn't mine, something that was once "ours alone". And after I ended I felt horrible. The director knew it, because she saw that promise broke during the performance.


A short time after sleeping, Bow wakes me up in an excited tone.

"Mmm... Bow, am swipwen...(i'm sleeping)"

" Oh Adora come on! You absolutely have to see this! Wake up, wake up!". He almost knocked me out of bed with his enthusiasm. Ahh, how can someone have so much energy...

" Stop it Bow...ok ok I am awake now, I am awake! " I shouted at him, irritated. Geez, a person can't even sleep for an hour around here.

Bow dragged me to the entrance of the school where Glimmer and some other students were waiting for us and whispered "There's going to be one more student in our class, Madame told me some minutes ago"

I stared at him with surprise"What? Really? But the registration period ended a month ago."

"I know, but there are rumors that this student stunned the director by dancing to the song "A Rising Star"! I know that the song isn't easy at all. She must be really talented... "

I looked at the entrance absorbed in my thoughts. Many memories resurface in my mind, beautiful memories, but full of pain and nostalgia. I never told Glimmer and Bow that I danced on that song too.

I tried to push my thoughts away and focus on the present. I was hoping it wasn't who I thought it was, I mean, the song was pretty famous so it could be anyone right?

After some minutes a teacher showed up and when she saw us there she asked " What are you kids doing here? You are supposed to be in class."

"We heard that a new student is going enter our school, so we were curious about who could be" Glimmer said.

"New student, new student... Oh right the new student. She's gonna come in in any minute. I heard that she's some kind of cat or something..?" After that the teacher left.

Some kind of cat. Some. Kind. Of. Cat. A CAT. THE SONG.



Now it all makes more sense. 
Before I could think or say anything, the new student walked in. The first thing I looked at were the eyes. The left one was yellow and the right one light blue, big and full of insecurity. The brown and short hair was a bit out of place, the chubby and pretty ears were back in embarrassment and the tail was between her legs.
No way.

I hoped till the last moment not to be who I thought it could be but I was right.

It's... Catra.


Hiii little mangos! I'm a new writer on Wattpad, and this is my first time story! This is just the first chapter, the very beginning, and I'm going to write it from Adora and Catra's point of view.
Stay tuned for more, give the story a vote and a comment and if the writing is not correct I apologies, from the bottom of my heart (english is not my mother tongue so shh ahahahah)

From your mango luv and hugs❤️~

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