Now you see him now you don't

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" And that's everyone." Tybalt Allerdyce said looking at the thirteen people grouped together waiting for dinner to be served. They turned to the kitchen "Love. We are ready whenever you are done making dinner." They called out before turning back towards the group. Their eyes narrowed as they scanned the group once more "Wait.....Where's Felix? Cecily where's your brother?"

"More then likely in our room." A small voice answered from the group.

"Can you go get him please?"


Tybalt watched as the girl in the blue flannel walked towards the wall and phased right through it. "Okay. We'll have everyone for diner then." All of a sudden the doorbell rang. They raised an eyebrow. "Who in the hell?" They thought as they walked to the door and opened it. They looked around not seeing anyone. "Who the..." They thought.
"Excuse me..." A quiet voice called out. Tybalt looked down and stared in disbelief at the small boy in blue holding a white teddy bear as big as him standing in the doorway. "Can I help you?" They asked. The boy stared up at them with big hazel eyes. He looked like he had been crying. "My dad dropped me off."

"And who's your dad?"

"Pietro Maximoff."

"And what's your name sweetheart?"

"Avi Maximoff."

"And why did your dad drop you off?"

" school burned down."

"Excuse me?"

"I.....I uh...I burned my school down. Dad didn't know where else to take me."

"Well come inside." Tybalt ushered Avi inside. "Ren my love we got one more mouth to feed!" They cried out as they lead Avi towards the group of people. "Hey guys this is Avi Maximoff. He'll be joining us for dinner." Avi shyly waved at the large group. As he did he felt someone tap his shoulder from behind. He jumped. As he did Thunder and lighting illuminated the windows and everything went black. There were a few surprised screams from the group. "It's okay everyone. It's just a blackout. The backup generator should kick in any second now." Tybalt said. Just as they finished their sentence the lights turned back on. As they did Tybalt noticed a white teddy bear on the floor where Avi had been. "Anyone see where Avi went?" They asked. Everyone shook thier head. Tybalt sighed. "Great we have someone lost in the mansion" They thought to themself. " Ren! Feed everyone and save two plates!" They yelled towards the kitchen before turning towards the group again. . "Okay everyone go get dinner from Ren. I'll go find Avi. He couldn't have gone to far." They said as they knelt down to pick up the bear. As they stood up bear in hand they felt a tug on thier shirt. They looked down. It was Felix. "Am I in trouble?" He asked.

"Any why would you be?" Tybalt asked confused.

"I'm the one who tapped his shoulder. I just wanted to say hello."

"You think you're the cause of the blackout?"

"Yes...I mean it's not raining so I assume that thunder and lighting had something to do with Avi. I'm sorry."

"Oh Felix. It isn't your fault. If it was Avi who caused it you didn't know. You just wanted to make a new friend. Now how about you go join the others in the kitchen and when I find Avi. You'll be the first person I bring him to."

"Okay!" Felix said before walking towards the kitchen. Tybalt smiled before turning and walking further into the mansion to search for Avi.

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