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  • Colors ⇻ Darcy Lewis
    32.7K 1.4K 24

    "Your soulmate isn't someone who comes into your life peacefully. It is someone who comes to make you question things, who changes your reality, somebody who marks a before and after in your life. It is not the human being everyone has idealized, but an ordinary person, who manages to revolutionize your world in a sec...

  • Manhattan ⇻ The Avengers [1]
    121K 3.8K 28

    "Strength and courage aren't always measured in medals and victories. They are measured in the struggled they overcome. The strongest people aren't always the people who win, they are the people who don't give up when they lose." ~ Unknown Kaelyn McAlister was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder when she was...

  • Washington ⇻ The Winter Soldier [2]
    1.2K 47 7

    "The past is never dead. It's not even past." ~ William Faulkner Seven years ago, Kaelyn McAlister was on a field trip when she was faced with a picture of James Buchanan Barnes. That was when Winter formed. Now, the Winter Soldier has been called in to do a job. So has Winter, except hers is to bring him in. The goal...

  • Sokovia ⇻ Age of Ultron [3]
    7.6K 277 12

    "There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or you're the one that will change theirs." ~ Unknown Three years after the Battle of New York, Kaelyn has been dealing with fame and of course, the fact that she and her fellow Avengers have been having to go and eliminate Hy...

  • Íroas ⇻ Peter Parker
    6.3K 249 17

    "Sometimes you meet someone, and it's so clear that the two of you, on some level, belong together. As lovers, or as friends, or as family, or as something entirely different. You just work, whether you understand one another or you're in love or you're partners in crime. You meet these people throughout your life, ou...