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  • Advice from a Publishing Professional
    748 175 9

    We're all here on Wattpad for a reason, whether that reason is to read, to write, to connect with others, or even to figure out what this site is all about. I've been using Wattpad since 2012, and much has changed not only on Wattpad, but also in the publishing industry. As a professional in the field, allow me to an...

  • The Book on FICTION WRITING | Advice for New Writers
    335 74 15

    The #1 Wattpad book on fictionwriting. So you want to be a fiction writer? Here's what you should know. * * * Everyone likes to say that in fiction writing, there are no rules. But, well, they're wrong. There's a LOT of rules, and you can't start to break them until you know what they are. Welcome to The Book on FICT...

  • 101 Writing Tips from an Exhausted Reviewer
    79.8K 7.2K 71

    I've been reviewing stories on Wattpad for a while now and, boy, has that been a journey. Your stories have made me gasp and squeal. Your stories have made me laugh and cry. But, from time to time, your stories have made me cringe. In commemoration of my review store hitting 100 reviews, I thought it was about time...

  • Share Your Story Quotes
    9K 932 184

    Do you have a quote from your story that you'd love to share with the world? You have come to the right place. Starting every Friday, we will publish one quote from your story. The quote can be a maximum of two lines and up to four lines for poetry. Read more to find out! Cover made by the wonderfully talented @sof...

  • RAD: Review Any Day
    394 38 4

    Have you read a rad story that deserves to be known to the world? We present RAD: Review Any Day-an effort to promote all your unseen favourite writers across Wattpad. All you have to do is write a proper story review any day from Monday-Saturday. We'll publish a review with the writer's name and story every Sunday an...

  • Writing Great Fiction: An Introduction
    77.5K 3K 9

    Welcome to the Wattpad Writing Great Fiction introduction! You can browse through the chapters and use them as a reference when needed, or you can treat this like a class in writing fiction. There are assignments you can do, but don't worry, there aren't any due dates. There are lectures, but you don't have to take no...

  • How To Write a Fight or Battle Scene
    124K 6.4K 9

    YOU WANNA FIGHT? FIGHT ME! Or we could have a cup of tea and a biscuit if you prefer. Ever found it hard to get to grips with how to put together a fight scene, or a battle sequence? This guide runs you through the basics, talks about different styles of fighting and weaponry, how to put together fight scenes, plan ou...

  • How to Write Stories People Will Love
    485K 49.2K 145

    If you're a writer struggling to improve your craft, this book can help. It breaks down the basics of a good story and good writing. It'll also provide a few tips on how to stay motivated. There's no magical formula for instantly likable stories, but you can lay a strong foundation for a future full of writing that fu...