Art book!
I'll put my drawings here if I don't think they're completely terrible.
As my username clearly states, I enjoy drawing quite a lot. I actually got the app for this purpose, to post my art and hope that people enjoy it! So here's an artbook of some drawings I make, and I'll post sort of regularly if I get the chance! I hope you enjoy it! Main Fandom's | Doki Doki Literature Club, Little N...
Just my own art. Fanart, regular drawings, and any requests I get. Requests get their own chapter, and the person who requested it gets tagged. Enjoy
I have to many to post at the moment but it's a work in progress on posting, here are a few though.
A creative mess is better than tidy idleness...♥️ Peep into my Creative Mess♥️ to take a look at few arts, sketches , poems ..... Each one carries a valuable meaning with it...........♥️ Cover Credits : Myself
Hey it's Ambrosia! This is my first book where I will be posting my art tidbits! Enjoy!
basically just giving you updates on how i do it and what the final product is (THIS IS FOR YOU SISI SO YOU BETTER LIKE IT GRRRRRR)
Bah c'est un artbook quoi pas besoin d'expliquer ! Bon ok, pour ceux qui sont nul en anglais, un artbook est un livre où on met nos arts. Moi je ne mettrais que des dessins je pense. Peut-être des peintures. Qui sait ce que l'avenir nous réserve ! Bon par contre je vous préviens je ne suis pas une grande artiste.
Bienvenue mes chers Génies du Rêve, bienvenue à tous dans mon premier artbook! Ceci est un recueil de productions artistiques, principalement des dessins signés Pyhta Johnson. Mon style est fortement inspiré du manga et de la bande dessinée, mais je dessine également du réaliste. J'aime aussi créer des tatouages, des...