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  • (BEENDET) The Maurauders Daughter (Harry Potter FF)
    672K 23.1K 101

    "Jenes Mädchen, geboren als Erbin in der Familie, die dem Tod am nähesten steht. Sie und der Auserwählte haben eine Kraft die der dunkle Lord nicht kennt. Und die Mächtigste Kraft der Magie wird Sie und den Auserwählten für immer verbinden. Jenes Mädchen geboren wenn man das Osterfest feiert, mit der Kraft den dunkle...

  • The Broken Time Turner
    262K 4.9K 15

    The Next Generation travel to Harry Potter's 6th year!!!

  • The Discoveries [ On Hold]
    21K 373 9

    Death cannot be reversed. We all know that. But what if it was undone, those claimed dead coming back to life once more. What will happen once a discovery is made and Harry's story is told? Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter J.k.rowling does

  • They are back!
    66K 798 22

    It's been a long time after the war. Harry is finally settled down with Ginny. They are happily married and ginny gave birth to a boy 'James sirius potter' and is pregnant again. What if some unexpected guests show off? Are they real? How is it possible.?

  • What if James and Lily lived?
    79.1K 1.5K 23

    What if they knew Voldemort was coming? What if they had time to get out of the house? What would it have been like for Harry growing up with love instead of hatred, how would he have changed? Disclaimer I only own a few characters, while the rest are owned by JK Rowling. Also the cover and the gifs was just found on...

  • George Weasley in 1995
    89.2K 1.7K 13

    What happens when George Weasley was babysitting his nephew James Sirius Potter and accidentally brakes a time travel sending them back to 1995. How will George react to seeing Fred alive??? How will Harry and Ginny react to their son being in the past???? Find out inside. Don't like dont read. ⚠WARNING this story inc...

  • What If ✔
    192K 3.1K 37

    What if James and Lily Potter came back alive? What if Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Fred Weasley returned? What if there was a prophecy made that if Harry Potter defeated Voldemort then his closest friends and family will return from the dead? What if... (This is a story set after Voldemorts defeat) 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦�...

  • Harry Potter and Death's Mystery
    226K 4.6K 29

    The Second Wizarding War has finally drawn itself to a close. Two months later, the survivors are still feeling a small emptiness inside of them. On the 1st day of July, people who died as a result of Voldemort or Death Eaters start to revive. How will people dead for so long adjust to the land of the living, and what...

  • Wiedersehen
    62.2K 1.3K 18

    !ABGESCHLOSSEN!Harry und Ginny leben mit ihren Kindern in einem Haus in Godric's Hollow , bis auf einmal James und Lily Potter,Sirius und Remus vor der Tür stehen . Wie wird Harry reagieren ? Wir können seine Eltern uns Sirius überhaupt wieder leben? Viel Spaß beim Lesen 3- jily 7.04.2021 1- Evans 1.05.2021 3- Wea...

  • The Master of Death | resurrection
    84.2K 1.8K 18

    After he kills Voldemort he becomes the master of Death. When Death crosses his path he explains that Harry is given 8 people to bring back from the dead. Who will he pick? How will they react? What will happen when he meets his parents for the first time? In the process of being edited :) TW: panic attacks, nightmare...

  • (Completed) The potters reunited [Jily return]
    370K 6.8K 35

    After Voldemort's downfall at the hands of Harry Potter all those on the light side return to the world of the living! How will Harry react? And what adventures will he get up to?

  • Harry Potter A Second chance
    85.8K 1.2K 9

    The war is over, however not all went to plan. Many died. Too many. Harry and his friends are some of the few survivors of the Order of the Phoenix, and after the war, attempt to live normal lifes. However, it seems fate doesn't want them to.

  • Mischief Not-Quite-Managed (Currently being revised and edited to the extreme)
    7.8K 305 11

    {I do NOT own Harry Potter! All credit goes to J.K. Rowling for anything besides Stella, Rosalind, and Katarina!} Stella Lupin, Rosalind Potter, and Katarina Black are the daughters of some of our favorite Hogwarts pranksters - Remus Lupin (aka Moony), James Potter (aka Prongs), and Sirius Black (aka Padfoot). All...

  • My Weaslebee xxx Fred Weasley
    1.1M 24.4K 86

    DISCLAIMER!! THIS WAS WRITTEN WHEN I WAS 13 SO IT'S GONNA BE BAD AND CRINGEY!! PLEASE DONT BE NEGATIVE OR HIGHLY CRITICAL WITH YOUR COMMENTS, I KNOW IT SUCKS!!! Annabelle is the daughter of Sirius Black, being the daughter of a mischievous marauder there was no doubt she'd get in trouble. When Snape put Annabelle in d...

  • Harry Potter Charakter Reagieren auf Ships
    2.6K 89 11

    Sehr viele gay Ships. Alle Rechte gehen an Rowling und keines der Bilder habe ich gezeichnet.

  • Secret Sister (Harry Potter FF)
    148K 4.8K 16

    Ein Mädchen mit mächtigen Kräften... Nur wenige wissen dass sie existiert... Was wenn sie das Schicksal aller ändern kann ... Emily Lilianna Evans ist die Schwester des Auserwählten. Sie wurde in jener Schicksalhaften Nacht geboren als ihre Eltern starben.

  • Rosalie Lily Potter
    1.3K 77 3

    Rosalie ist die Schwester von dem Jungen der Überlebte.

  • Felicitas Potter
    93.4K 2.7K 26

    Was macht Felicitas im Hauptquatier des Orden? Wieso ist sie mit Professor Lupin so gut befreundet und duzt ihn? Was verheimlicht sie? Diese Fragen stellt sich das Goldene Trio in ihrem 3. Schuljahr in Hogwarts. Zuvor haben sie Felicitas nur ab und zu im Gemeinschaftsraum gesehen, doch seit sie Sirius und Remus kennen...

  • Friendship or more [Harry Potter FF/Rumtreiberzeit]
    353K 14.6K 30

    Clarissa Lupin, die kleine Schwester von Remus. Durch ihren Bruder hat sie die meisten Freunde in seinem Jahrgang, allen voran Lily Evans und Sirius Black. Sie liebt Streiche und gehört deshalb zu den Rumtreibern. Sirius und Clary erzählen sich alles, doch mit den Jahren kommen Gerüchte auf, dass zwischen ihnen etwas...

  • Sirius Blacks Tochter - Bella eine mutige Löwin
    53.5K 1.6K 29

    Maribella Elizabeth Black, kurz Bella, ist die Tochter von Sirius Orion Black. Sie hat bis vor Kurzem noch bei ihrem Großvater Orion Black gelebt, muss jetzt jedoch auf die Hogwarts Schule für Hexerei und Zauberei gehen. Dort soll sie die dritte Klasse besuchen. Doch wird es so einfach mit einem vermeintlichen Massenm...

  • Reach for the Sky (HP/Rumtreiber FF)
    300K 22K 54

    1. Platz MAGIC HOGWARTS AWARD 2022 -------------------------- ,,Manchmal ist die Welt ungerecht. Das ist nunmal so. Das Wichtigste ist, sich davon nicht unterkriegen zu lassen!" -------------------------- Quidditch ist Melodys große Leidenschaft. Gut... Mit einem internationalen Quidditch-Star als Vater, wurde ihr das...

  • The Girl Who Disappeared (Fred Weasley)
    39K 1.3K 27

    (On Hold) Cover by: -urawizzardharry Shaylynn Potter is the older sister to the famous boy who lived however she never got sent to the Dursley's with her brother. In fact no body knows where she is, as her body was not found in the house with her parents. What happens when she magically shows up after 10 years. Where...

  • Turn in time
    30.9K 574 26

    The Marauders time travel back to 1995 and soon the next gen appear to. Completed

  • Complicated Love [Sirius Black]
    6.2K 176 13

    Eine kleine Geschichte mit Sirius Black als dein Lover

  • Sirius Black Lovestory
    14.4K 394 19

    Eine Lovestory mit Sirius Black

  • 𝘌𝘛𝘌𝘙𝘕𝘈𝘓 ━━ 𝙎.𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠
    894K 29K 31

    𝘌𝘛𝘌𝘙𝘕𝘈𝘓 | in which jasmine potter, aka the girl who lived, get's sent back thirty years into the past and falls for her godfather - while harry potter, aka the boy who lived, struggles to get her back. *WARNING: ABSOLUTE TRASH, READ ONLY IF U WANT TO LOSE UR WILL TO LIVE* ━ marauders era - post war 𝐨𝐜...

  • Best Friend's Brother( A Fred Weasley Love Story)*FINISHED*
    492K 12.6K 24

    Fred Weasley is the most popular guy at school and practically knows everyone there. But one person he doesn't know happens to know him,his family,and is best friends with his sister.(Based on the Prisoner of Azkaban)

  • Emily Black(Sirius Black's daughter) Complete
    845K 26K 29

    Emily Black is Sirius Black's daughter. Her uncle is Severus Snape and her godfather is Remus Lupin. She is finally allowed to go to Hogwarts for her third year and she finds out more about her past and the secrets that the ones she love are hiding from her.

  • Verliebt in einen Rumtreiber /Sirius Black ff/
    3.6K 61 7

    Die 11 Jährige Fully Lupin fährt mit ihrem Zwillingsbruder, Remus, nach Hogwarts. Dort muss sie sich Freundschaften zusammen basteln, die Freundschaften halten und gleichzeitig den Unterricht meistern. Zusätzlich hütet sie ein Geheimnis vor ihrem Bruder und hofft das er niemals dahinter kommt. Wird Fully es schaffe...

  • Black Rose {Fred Weasley} ✓
    4.6M 140K 109

    "The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beau...
