Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned! SIRIUS BLACK ╱ the Fatal Flaw series
The year after her brother James graduates, Teddy Potter returns to Hogwarts for her final year. With the Marauders gone, it should be a quiet, peaceful year despite the mounting tensions in the world outside of school. The problem, naturally, lies with Regulus Black, the broody boy who just might be the most effortle...
▍ AN ORIGINAL ╱ romantic drama! My dreams of you are always softer than you are. ❪ f!oc & m!oc ❫ PEARLJARS © 2023 BOOK THREE of FOUR written by april
Strange house we must keep and fill. House that eats, and pleads, and kills. ▍ AN ORIGINAL STORY ╱ romantic melodrama! ❪ m!oc & m!oc ❫ ❪ f!oc & m!oc ❫ written by april PEARLJARS © 2024