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  • Hating You Was My Mistake (Jimin BTS) [BOOK ONE]
    2.7M 82.1K 48

    Naomi is from Gwangju, South Korea. Her parents decided to move her to Seoul for her 18th birthday to study there and live in her own apartment to become independent. She moves to one of the biggest schools in Seoul named Seoul Institute of Music, her life changes forever. Park Jimin, the bully and jerk decides to pl...

  • First Meeting {BTS JIMIN FANFIC}
    150K 5.6K 18

    I opened my eyes, and all I want to see first was, you. But you're not there. "Where are you?" I whispered to myself, "Jimin-ah, do you still remember.." I heard your sweet voice. "..our First Meeting?"

  • still waiting {j.j.k}
    151K 4.9K 49

    "please open the fucking door! please help me!" the stranger said while he kept banging on my door.

  • Frenemies
    3.2M 150K 35

    "Why can't you just admit that you like me?" you piped, grinning evilly. "Because I don't," Jungkook snapped, jaw clenching, "and I never will." - You owe your ex-boyfriend 20k. Why? Don't ask, read to find out. And in order to help that money fly back into his wallet faster, you helplessly rob, use, and exploit Jungk...

    Completed   Mature
  • Mr Arrogant || kth. » book 2
    13.6M 625K 43

    "haven't we met?" his eyes whispered and i had sudden flashbacks of us. it's been long, kim taehyung. ; pretend marriage au, tsundere!taehyung lmao but softer » sequel to mr arrogant book 1

    Completed   Mature
  • i abhor him | pjm | discontinued
    24K 2.2K 22

    hate is such a weak word. i abhor him. - where an optimistic fluff ball accidentally snapchats a pessimistic bar tender.

  • seasons | jimin
    95K 8K 4

    you're my spring, summer, autumn and winter.

  • DEAD - JJK
    1.4M 120K 70

    gone forever. 2019 © COZYINN

    Completed   Mature
  • Call me, Dr. Park (BTS JIMIN FANFIC)
    2.2M 110K 42

    Doctors. They are one of the busiest people ever on the planet Earth and out of all, Park Jimin is one of them. Serving as a part of the crew in the ER Department of Seoul Hospital, Jimin is always devoted to his work and he spends most of his time in the On Call Room. All forms of entertainment of his are put on hold...

  • flower | zayn malik
    202K 8.6K 30

    he was an autistic man who was in love with his precious flower. [interracial] © BookOfBandz 2017 started : (june 9th, 2017) finished : (june 20th, 2017) warning : there is triggering content such as rape in this story.

    Completed   Mature
  • You Have Me (BTS fanfic/Jungkook fanfic)
    4.8M 124K 98

    Christine grew up to be an only child with two loving parents. Everything changes when her mom dies and her father became a reckless drunkard. In times like these, she wished she had an older brother to lean on. A brother she never had. Or did she? Fate tests her as another disaster meets her way. Will her bestfriend...

    2M 48.5K 25

    ❝Little did I know that you were closer than expected.❞ [당신의 목소리] ------- Started: 150728 Completed: 151010 Status: [ ] Ongoing [x] Completed ------- ©JeonSaeHyun ©2015

  • Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG
    5.4M 221K 73

    "Hey, Rose. If you go in your room by yourself, in the dark, the monsters will come get you." Lilia blurts, smiling like a witch. "Why did you tell me that? Now I'm freaked in my own dang house." "Then go to Taehyung and he can protect you if any killer comes and wants to stab you to death." Jimin says and points to...

  • If I was his Ms. Right {BTS JUNGKOOK FANFIC}
    9.8M 297K 53

    "It never came up to my mind to be with you, to you be my first kiss, and to fall for you. Because I wasn't your Ms. Right,-" he suddenly grabbed my waist that made my body be that near to him. He held my spine and passionately kissed me. "Just, shh... I didn't request any Ms. Right,"

  • Tell me what to do [Yoongi]
    30.4K 2.8K 30

    Yoongi žije život přesně podle svých představ. Má perfektní přátele, dělá to, co ho baví nejvíc a užívá si své volnosti. Žádné plány do budoucna nemá, protože důležité je především to, co se děje v přítomnosti. Co se však stane, když se zcela neplánovaně v jeho životě objeví Ellie? Všechno, na co je zvyklý, se změní...

    45.3K 3.2K 76

    She loved, and she loved, until it hurt. Just how much reckless could she be? ♚ AWARDS: 1st place in HER AWARDS. (Taehyung) 2nd place in ARTIFICIAL LOVE AWARDS. (Taehyung)

  • Epsyndria ◦ BTS
    23.5K 1.1K 8

    "Today, we fight." ◦ Epsyndria, an invisible floating island above the Bermuda Triangle. Only a few unlucky people are called upon there. You may ask, 'Unlucky? How?' Simple- the chosen victims have to fight their way a through a giant maze, completely infested by traps and trials. 'But why?' A c...

  • Too Clumsy For You ( Lee Taemin fanfic )
    16.3K 375 22

    Sun Hwa is a bit too clumsy for Taemin's taste. But when she has to live with her, he grows to like her and their relationship blossoms.

  • Stolen Love. {SHINee Taemin.}
    89.1K 2.6K 38

    Savannah Ashlef, currently unemployed and desperate for a job in makeup, after all, its what she is trained in. So when here cousin proposes a job for her overseas in Korea, she jumps at the opportunity. She promised her boyfriend she wouldn't fall in love with any of the 5 boys she is working with but when she lays e...

  • the first || lee taemin
    18.1K 354 21

    " maknae and maknae. perfect match, right? " 2013 || All Rights Reserved

  • {SHINee} Lee Taemin - One Last Wish
    472K 12.6K 56

    Her ultimate bias, shinee's maknae and dancing machine, Lee Taemin, is not a world away now. Having a trip to Seoul for her birthday and staying with a family friend, which turned out to be his mother, she had every chance to invade the idol's life behind the cameras. He was more than what she dreamed of and it just m...

  • Make-up girl ✔
    40.8K 3.8K 44

    „Čo tu robíš?" opýtal sa ma tento raz už z vážnou tvárou. Ja som na neho nahodila výraz - vážne? „ Prišla som na konkurz?" opýtala som sa s pozdvihnutím obočím , čo sa mu zjavne nepáčilo. Vstal a podišiel ku mne. „Ak si preoperovaný muž, tak ťa beriem ." povedal a oprel sa o stoličku tak, že jeho tvár bola asi 15 cent...

  • MIMMF Book 2: Innocent No More
    1M 24.8K 54

    She's now an extraordinary person. She's now a somebody. She's now a woman who achieved her dreams. She's now impure. She's now innocent no more. She's now Chaerin Lee. He's still popular. He's still a billionaire. He's still the man that has everything but one is missing. He still got the looks, the money, and the br...

  • Stáž Hrůzy
    22.3K 2.1K 26

    Nastává období, kdy se má rozjet turné a album MADE. Náš leader G-Dragon má moc práce a nezvládá ji časově a ani psychicky. Proto se rozhodne najmout si asistentku. Nechce však žádnou asiatku. Chce něco pro něj exotického. A tak se u něj ocitá jedna z jeho nejzarputilejších fanynek Hannah. Celá nadšená, že bude mo...

  • call me daddy » h.s.
    365K 17.6K 76

    "Co vyšiluješ?Uklidni se proboha!" "Jsem v klidu!" "Ne nejsi!Chováš se jako psychopat!" "Já?To ty se tady chováš jako -" nedořekl to. "Jako co Harry?Jen to řekni." do očí se mi nahrnuli slzy. "Jako děvka!"

    Completed   Mature
  • 99+1 problems || Harry Styles Fanfiction
    288K 17K 36

    Každý má nějaké problémy.

  • Dark (H.S. - Translated - SK)
    67.6K 2.7K 54

    Dark ~ Harry Styles Written by : Translated by : Damie Cover by : @SkyLabyrinth Upozorňujem, že v poviedke sa nachádza aj sexuálny obsah. Na preklad poviedky som dostala povolenie už pred veľmi dlhým časom. Netolerujem zverejňovanie môjho prekladu niekde inde.
