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  • The Numbered
    7M 302K 76

    Imagine the second you're born, a consultant removes you from your mother's grasp and runs a battery of genetic and physiological tests on you. Thirty minutes later they give you a score out of one hundred which denotes your level of perfection. If your score is above eighty and you work hard to maintain that score yo...

  • Eliuteria
    185K 10.9K 40

    "Human beings are vile, nasty creatures. Blood thirsty. Evil by their very nature. That is was we were told. By them. Humans relished for millennia in systematically destroying one another. Our innate yearning for violence lead to not only the destruction of ourselves, but of our planet. Our home. Our planet was d...

  • A Single Strand || #Wattys2018
    372 69 15

    "Science tells us that energy, while it can be transported and transformed, cannot be created or destroyed. Perhaps the same can be said about life." + + + Hyrna Mal'vai, a forest dwelling Nemarin on the way to the moon of Juxta II, has just crashed her ship The Frigate on an uncharted planet. She's seen land, but ap...