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  • Alcatore (Draft)
    244 14 7

    She paced her ragged breathing, trying to pump her legs through the pain. Tears streaked her face as she tore through the forest, she dared not look back. Behind her, crashes could be heard then gruff yells. She slowed to a stop hiding behind a tree. She turned to peer around it; a twig snapped beneath her. How could...

  • Awakened Book One: Fire
    9.6K 698 23

    Until the elements are united, everything we know is in danger. When the elements are united, all may be lost. People all over the world are suddenly Awakened. Discovering they can do unusual and incredible things. Flight, super strength, invisibility. The world is changing, the world is afraid. When a young boy dis...

  • Watching You
    5.4K 262 14

    "So I decided the way I'd get my revenge, is by making you live with the fact that only you can see me. Only you can hear me. And you'll have to live day in day out with me by your side, a reminder of what you did. Unless I forgive you, which I doubt would ever happen." Anna Tuller is dead. But unfortunately, she...
