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  • Destruction Road
    544 34 12

    An edgy Christian drama novelette. Jerry has problems. A few years ago his pregnant mother died. His Dad has reduced himself to a drunk. Dad gets violent when he drinks, which is all the time. Jerry decides to run away, but ends up destroying another family by taking all of his anger towards his dad out on a stranger...

  • Let's Put Your Logic to the Test
    1.2K 59 2 you think that you know everything? do you think that your logic is way up high that nobody can reach it?............................

  • To Walk On This Path (A GOD STORY)
    42.4K 1.1K 1

    That step from death to life. That step from earthly hell to living hope. How does that happen? Deriving from my own step - a tale of a girl who has no hope. **Featured wattpad story (June 19th, 2015)**
