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  • Disbelief
    185 30 4

    A series of poems on my struggle with religion and belief. From a religious child whose answer to every unknown was a prayer, to a 17 year old who believes only in himself and his abilities. Because really, who can you trust?

  • letters to no one ➳ [poetry]
    5.8M 336K 77

    ❝i've delicately chosen letters to form words and words to form sentences, each sentence a colorful paint stroke on the canvas of my mind.❞ [ #1 in poetry on 27/08/16 ]

  • Where Do I Belong?
    3.1K 468 32

    Deep poems on every page. Poems about relationships, self image, feelings, heartbreaks, depression, anxiety, sexuality, and more! ~~~~~~~~~~~ make sure you vote on your favorites, or just on the book itself! It would mean a lot. share it with friends also. ~~~~~~~~~~~ I am new on here and I thought this is a good w...

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