The Overlord of Teyvat: Genshin Impact x Overlord crossover
A new deity has fallen into the mysterious world of Teyvat. Will this deity bring salvation or damnation?
A new deity has fallen into the mysterious world of Teyvat. Will this deity bring salvation or damnation?
A student with a scorched background. A fallen hero with a shame of a past. And a second chance. So what's it gonna be? Headshot? Or heart shot. Cover created by the one who wants Asuna from SAO dead and cut in half: Guardian_Angel-21
During the final battle with All for one and Shigaraki, Izuku and the heros failed to stop him and Izuku watched as All his friends and classmates died before his eyes with him being unable to stop it because his body was too broken. Before Shigaraki and All for one could kill him, Katsuki sacrificed himself like ever...
Kyouka can't decide what to get Izuku for Christmas, so it takes the Symbol of Peace to help her out in her dilemma. Christmas Oneshot of Melody of Love!
Being a hero was hard. Few knew that better than Izuku Midoriya. One would think that after so many harrowing experiences, he'd be at least kind of used to it by now. But when Eri's Quirk triggers out of nowhere, replacing herself with an alternate version who believes him and Ryukyu to be her parents. Izuku finds him...
It started when an alien device did what it did. Izuku Midoriya found a strange device on the beach one night after training when the device jumps onto his wrist. It grains him abilities from beings from other worlds. Watch him as he and his friends go through their adventures on Earth and Space in: The Alien Hero: De...
Los Personajes de Boku No Hero y Wednesday, no son mios, cada quien con su creador
Four months after the Kalos adventure, our hero decided to catch on with his Pokémon and his mother in a peaceful life in Kanto, but Oak has suddenly been informed by his Alolan brother of some issues at the school and he highly needs help... Oak suggested our hero. One it's being a trainer and a hero... but now being...
There were so few objects in the world that Momo Yaoyorozu couldn't make whether it be limits of knowledge or a third party factor. But there was something else that she could not create alone. Something that would require the hands of two people who kindled over the flame of a romance once thought to be discovered, b...
Nejire Hado. Quirky. Beaming. Outgoing. Izuku Midoriya. Not so Quirky. Not so beaming, and most definitely not so outgoing. So what happens when these two waves crash into each other? That's for this short story to tell it's tale. Cover made by the Spectacular: Guardian_Angel-21
Just when Midoriya Izuku was forced to leave his friends to defeat the villains, he travelled two years back in time, when he was still in middle school. What will happen when Deku re-lives his life?
Izuku es un fiel creyente de su credo "hacerse responsable de sus acciones". Un credo que tendrá que seguir luego de haber cometido lo que para él fue un acto vil e impuro, acostarse con una de sus amigas (Kyouka Jirou) y dejarla embarazada y a su vez engañar a su novia... aunque lo del engaño seria cierto si su novi...
Urara Midoriya es hija del actual símbolo de la paz y héroe número uno, Deku. Ella quiere una esposa para su padre. Esta es la historia de una familia unida.
After the battle of All Might vs All for One class 1-A moves into their dorms and the very next day as the class was about to leave the dorm to head to class a time rift opens right in front of them and 4 children fall out and for some reason they look like a certain green haired boy Some Bakugou and Mineta bashing ...
Dos jóvenes que deciden comenzar una relación de una forma atípica, harán lo posible por permanecer juntos.
Una historia de un chico común, un chico que acepto la realidad de que no podrá ser un héroe y que su mundo pudo haberse venido abajo de no ser por la chica de sus sueños, quien le ha estado apoyando desde que son pequeños. Ambos tienen el sueño de entrar a la prestigiosa academia de héroes U.A. aunque cada uno estará...
Izuku Midoriya, es un chico simple y con necesidades simples la cual debe mantener saciada. se a convertido en un pervertido, el lo mantiene en secreto, aunque no tanto pues se junta con el dúo de pervertidos, conocidos como Mineta y Kaminari. y por supuesto, sus compañeros de clase se hacen una idea de lo que hacen...
What if Kyouka met Izuku as a kid after he defends her from bullies? And just how much will this meeting affect both of their lives? IzukuxKyouka/SlightlyObsessive Kyouka.
Izuku Midoriya es un joven que vive en una cabaña junto a su madre, todos los días trabaja en la granja sin importar como este el día. El lo hace porque quiere ayudar a su madre, pero aún así el tiene un sueño. Ser el más grande aventurero y espadachín del mundo, pero el antepone ayudar a su madre en la granja que a s...
Ash and his friends were having a normal class of battle practise, as the topic was to enhance the usage of the Z-moves... but on a weird situation, Ash starts to feel weak, later on collapsing cold at the ground because of an invisible sickness the boy had and never woke up until now... Now it was turn for his friend...
"Quirks", son poderes que poseen muchos seres humanos. Pero no siempre son potencialidades para usarlo para el bien. Sin embargo, donde hay infaltables villanos, siempre estamos nosotros ¡los héroes!...Esperen, ¿que se creyeron lo ultimo? claro que no, ¿verdad? Es obvio que no. Yo estoy aquí para corregir y deshacerme...
Izuku is born with a quirk called "Verbatim" which allows him to retain other quirks, unlike Monoma who only can use them for a short amount of time. He obtains a smoke quirk from an incident and starts his journey to become a hero! (Izujirou is the main pairing, and Izuku will get other powers later on). This is an M...
Sin darnos cuenta ya todo había comenzado. Caos, muerte, desesperación, esas son nuestras nuevas vidas desde que los muertos comenzaron a caminar entre nosotros. Ahora pasamos las noches en vela y alertas para mantenernos a salvo y no perder la cordura, solo ella y yo, solos nosotros dos contra el mundo.
En cierto día de noviembre, específicamente los días del festival cultural, Izuku Midoriya se enamoro por primera vez aunque paso el tiempo y ya estaban en su segundo año este jamas hablo con ella. Decidió confesarse pero no fue correspondido, ahora hará lo necesario e intentara cambiarlo, después de todo el futuro no...
Midoriya Izuku y Jirou Kyouka se aman en secreto pero cada uno sale con alguien diferente, decidieron que serian novios y "amantes" por diversión. Pero ¿Cómo comienza todo esto? Pues con una simple y pequeña practica. Pero hay otra pregunta ¿como terminara su extraña aventura?
Para celebrar que ya estaban a tres meses de graduarse como héroes, Deku (Midoriya Izuku) y sus amigos decidieron realizar un viaje a América pero como siempre algo sale mal, su avión se estrella en una isla inhabitada y nunca antes explorada. En un lugar donde les será difícil subsistir la pregunta es: ¿serán capac...
Izuku was alone in the world. Abandoned by the ones he called his family and left to his own accord. But thanks to a chance encounter with the rabbit hero Miruko, Izuku had survived and is now prepared to become the greatest hero ever. His dream is to become the worlds strongest hero and make lots of friends along the...
Prometheus has fallen and the multiverse has been saved, as the jump force now has disbanded and returned to their worlds. But a mistake has happened when Midoriya was sent into a time before he has contempled... The time, when his adventure has begun. (Sequel on Midoriya's side from my story "Jump Force: The series"...
El bien y el mal, dos caras de una misma moneda se enfrentan para tomar el control de su historia. Como parte de una prueba puesta por el One for all Midoriya Izuku tendrá que soportar la oscuridad que hay en su corazón y la frustración por un amor no correspondido. (Para la portada se uso como referencia la portada d...