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  • Waking the Fae [BOOK ONE]
    308K 17.9K 32

    | BOOK ONE | COMPLETE | [#RBLS finalist - top 7] Rebecca Morley lives a normal life. Well, as normal as a teenage life can be. Boys, friends, makeup . . . They don't matter to her. She's just the freak of her school, the one no one wants around. Growing up as an orphan she was never wanted. She's built up walls to pro...

  • The Season Trials
    133K 6.7K 25

    Freedom is a gift. Gifts aren't given freely. Unless you're one of them. Kaylin Renoz dreads Assortment Day. Just like everyone else. People sold to the wealthy, escaping from poverty, only to be branded with a number. May 5. The day of her 17th birthday. The day she's chosen. The day she become 2309. The day Kayli...

    155K 9.4K 40

    "What happens when his Darkness loses her Light?" I was too busy focusing on the enemies in front of me, that I forgot about the one's clawing at my back. My life was just beginning... And then he took her away from me... The reason for my entire being...My Light. Now with my light extinguished, I find it easier to d...

    19.2M 680K 68

    Kassi was a normal girl living in a normal town until one day her mom drops her and her brother off at their estrange grandfathers house for no reason. Now not only does she have to adjust to her new life and school, she also has to avoid the weird looks the "In-Crowd" gives her on top of avoiding their majorly hot B...

    434K 31.2K 53

    Song of the Lioness meets Game of Thrones in this thrilling fantasy-adventure! Blayre of Blumore is a Seeker, who apprehends illegal magic users in service of the Emarian Crown. She has a gift - but one that she must keep hidden from the world, or risk being used by someone with ill will. But when the Royal Family...

  • Verath the Red (Dragonwall Series #3)
    2.2M 165K 55

    Claire fights to prepare herself to fulfill an Unbreakable Promise made in the heat of the moment. A spontaneous adventure north, a catastrophic attack upon Dragonwall, and a surprising realization, all culminate into the perfect storm, bringing Claire and Talon together under unexpected circumstances. When Claire an...

  • Reyr the Gold (Dragonwall Series # 2)
    3.1M 241K 60

    After fulfilling an Unbreakable Promise, Claire finally accepts her new life in Dragonwall. She has discovered a new purpose--one she created for herself to save Dragonwall. It is her destiny to defeat Kane, that much is certain. What isn't certain, is how she will achieve this end. Powerful magic courses through her...

  • Talon the Black (Dragonwall Series # 1)
    6.3M 406K 66

    When a wounded dragon falls from the sky, Claire Evans runs into a cornfield to rescue it. This isn't just any dragon, he's a shifter, one of six royal protectors, and helping him has consequences. Claire finds herself traipsing--or rather, flying--across the kingdom of Dragonwall. She must face Dragonwall's king. Kin...

  • Demon
    792K 30.4K 142

    Damon was a cold hearted businessman who ran the Mafia with no emotion. He killed for fun and took pleasure in watching people die at his hands. He was sadistic and didn't show anyone mercy....he made an exception for her. He hates her with a passion....well not really only he doesn't know it yet. He wants to kill her...

  • our fireworks | s. e.
    228K 10.5K 62

    ”cel mai rău e să ne amăgim singuri.”

  • Danger // finalizat
    203K 6.7K 50

    Jessica trăia o viața cât se putea de obișnuita. Avea o familie care o iubea, o prietena care a i-a fost mereu alături la bine si la greu, dar toate astea au început să se destrame atunci cand în viața ei a apărut Justin. Un băiat căruia nu îi era frica de absolut nimic. Prioritățile lui erau de a-si menține s...

    Completed   Mature
  • Danger - Justin Bieber Fanfiction - [Română]
    623K 27.2K 74

    O noapte. O petrecere. O greșeală. Ceea ce credea ca îi va distruge viața. Părea să fie chiar opusul. Când toata viața ta ai fost obișnuit cu persoane care te mint şi te păcălesc. Cum poți învăța să ai încredere în persoanele din jurul tău? Și când persoana de care îți pasă cel mai mult devine ținta pentru dușmanii tă...
