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  • Silence Between Fire and Light
    6.1K 363 8

    New missions, tasks and having fun has been Boboiboy's routine in TAPOPS station. Not to mention, his elementals always have him by his back for every mission or task he need to do. However, one day, Gempa ask a favor to Boboiboy. Will Boboiboy manage to do the favor for the leader? Read to find out! Side Story of Tro...

  • Unexpected Meeting
    47.7K 2.8K 20

    Boboiboy and his friends are attacked on their way back to earth. With reasons and motives unknown, they target Ochobot. "Ochobot! Hold on!" "B-Boboiboy..." Boboiboy jumped down and held out his hand to grab Ochobot, when Ochobot's teleportation powers suddenly activated. Both disappeared into it. The coordinates are...

  • The Light and the Dark
    1.9K 103 1

    ONESHOT! Ever since the fight with Vargoba, something seems off about Boboiboy Cahaya. But when station TEMPUR-A suffers a blackout, it looks like the other elementals will figure it out for themselves.

  • the Missing Light
    41.5K 2.1K 18

    they're gone what am I suppose to do we failed I failed solar lost everything and everyone, tapos has been destroyed, power sphera's has been scattered trying to hide, his friends.....his brothers......are all gone trying to save him all that was left was him, yes he was alive but at the same time dead he lives but...

  • My Elemental Hero Academia
    3.2K 90 12

    Over 80% of the world somehow with the supernatural powers are called quirks, while the other 20% are quirkless. In the world of quirks, people used there power to create crime and havoc, while others with courage stood up, "heroes". Heroes use there own power to fight crime and protect the civilians from harm. Izuku...

  • Solar!!
    20K 1.1K 7

    (Bukan Yaoi) Boboiboy hanya milik monsta saya hanya meminjamnya sebagian.. Pengalaman terburuk dalam hidup Solar kondisi nya membuat semua saudaranya khawatir padanya Apa yg terjadi pada Solar? Penasaran? Sini mampir.. Awal penulisan : [8/9/2020] Tamat : [23/10/2020/]

  • Between Worlds...
    16.6K 829 8

    Nut, An Alien inventor. Wanted to invent a Teleportal, Which was supposed to only help travel, quicker without using Ochobot's power too much. Tho it took a turn when one of main things to make a Portal was...Different. It was different material but, it was close to what he needed. After a few months of work he final...

  • BoBoiBoy ( New Adventure ) 📖
    82K 2.7K 28

    Boboiboy and his friends got a new mission , which is to help all of the Laskar Station crews to track and save all of the Power Spheres . A little son and dad moment as well . Even though their time at Laskar Station is over , this story will keep going . Plenty of mysteries to unravel , so many planets to travel to...

  • BoBoiBoy Galaxy: A New World
    80.5K 2.4K 27

    Knowing that winning is unobtainable without the power to overcome it. On the verge of actually going to die in the vacuum of space, his Solar element awakened and delivered the finishing blow to one of the most powerful beings in the whole galaxy. Victory was ensured but when an unexpected and unknown portal appeared...

  • A Second Chance [BBBG Fic]
    8.6K 288 5

    The powerful Retak'ka was too much for BoBoiBoy and the gang to handle. He had unleashed hell upon Earth and ravaged anyone that dares cross his path. BoBoiBoy, defeated by the hands of the armoured alien, used his ultimate Elemental Split as a last resort in hopes of defeating Retak'ka. Equally matching the fight, t...

  • Another dimensions ~Boboiboy × Kimetsu no yaiba~ •{Slow Up}•
    6.5K 555 8

    Bagaimana jika ketujuh elemental terseret masuk ke sebuah portal yang membawa mereka menuju dunia yang tidak mereka ketahui. Dan dengan adanya mahluk bernama "oni" yang berkeliaran di malam hari dan mencari manusia yang keluar setiap malam sebagai makanannya. " Ugh, dunia ini sangat aneh bahkan lebih aneh dari dunia k...

  • ✨⚡️BBBxEA⚡️✨
    63K 3.9K 16

    { book 1 } DUK!! BRAK!! DUK!! BRAK!BRAK! "Adehh~sakit nye~" "Eh?" "Kenapa?" "Kita kat mana ni?" Apa jadi jika boboiboy serta kawan-kawan nya di sedut masuk ke dalam sebuah portal dimensi dan tiba di sebuah bandar yang sangat asing dan berbeza dari tempat mereka tinggal(pulau rintis)? (Note: ✅ BAHASA INDO+MALAYSIA ...

  • When Boboiboy Element Together With Dad
    8.3K 575 14

    *watak boboiboy dan amato hak milik monsta ako cuma pinjam watak dia *jalan cerita cuma rekaan yang dicipta oleh ako (sebenar ako tak berapa kenal sama amato tapi biarkan sebab ia adalah fanfiction) Amato, ayah kepada boboiboy, telah memangil boboiboy ke planet di mana dia berkerja. 'Sudah lama tak bertemu rupa, dah b...

  • This Is Our Life [✓]
    22.8K 2.5K 17

    Frostfire itu bar bar, Glacier itu kalem, Supra itu dingin kek kulkas 7 pintu, Sori itu polos (lebih ke narsis sebenarnya), dan Gentar itu hyper. Hmm ... seperti apa ya kehidupan ke-5 saudara itu? "Ayam! Lu mau makan keepci nggak?" "Lebih baik tidur dari pada ngurusin mereka" "Apa lu? Mau gelud?" "Hoho, aku emang tamp...

  • NYASAR!!!
    12.7K 1.6K 19

    OVA [Jika Boel memiliki kakak laki-laki] Awal nya sih cuma beresin barang-barang di laboratorium milik Solar. Tapi karena kejahilan TTM, membuat mereka harus berada di sebuah tempat yang tidak mereka ketahui. Andre: ampun dah. . . GIMANA BALIK NYA INI OY!! ----- Thorn: kak Taufan, lihat Thorn punya pedang! Blaze: baju...

  • Jika Boel memiliki kakak laki-laki
    78.8K 8.6K 37

    Bagaimana jadinya, jika para Boel memiliki seorang kakak yang penampilannya mirip dengan hali, tapi sifatnya berbeda dan dia lebih tua dari hali? karakter Kakak disini adalah oc author. jika tertarik baca saja dan jangan lupa beri bintang. ----------...ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ start: 20 February 2022 finis: -

    46.9K 3.5K 21

    ‼️BUKAN BL ‼️ Fusion bermakna gabungan dari dua kuasa. Maka, bagaimana apabila para Fusion dari boboiboy elemental kat masa depan terjebak di masa lalu? Meminta pertolongan untuk mereka yang berjuang mati-matian melindungi mereka Kat masa depan. Pertarungan yang melibatkan nyawa. Pertarungan yang menginginkan kuasa g...

  • Baby Liung
    13.9K 1.5K 12

    Season kedua dari cerita "Anak Siapa Ini?" Diharapkan membaca Season pertama nya dahulu agar dapat memahami alurnya. *** Taufan baru saja pulang dari perjalanan nya ke Planet Windara bersama saudaranya. Sesampainya di rumah, ia menyadari bahwa ada sebuah kupu-kupu menempel pada pundaknya. "Kau jaga kupu-kupu itu" "Ha...

  • Anak Siapa Ini? // COMPLETE
    47.2K 4.2K 24

    Cuaca yang cerah tiada hujan badai maupun angin kencang tiba tiba Boboiboy bersaudara didatangi oleh tamu cilik misterius. Siapakah tamu kecil tersebut? "Mama! Papa!" "APA? AKU PUNYA ANAK?!" "SIAPA YANG PUNYA ANAK?" Ingin tahu kisah seterusnya? Ikuti terus cerita ini ya! Original Story by; Me! Kalau menemukan cerita...

  • with you
    33.9K 3.2K 29

    kalian percaya reinkarnasi? itulah yang terjadi pada all elemental disaat tuan mereka telah tiada. pada pertempuran besar, Boboiboy mati dan ketujuh elemennya berpencar keseluruh dunia. 16 tahun kemudian mereka bertemu kembali disebuah sekolah dan menjalani hari-hari bersama. dapatkah mereka mengetahui diri mereka...

  • Aku Menjadi Pangeran???
    22.6K 2K 22

    Tidak pernah terpikirkan olehnya ketika hidupnya harus berakhir seperti ini. Melihat keenam kakaknya mati demi melindunginya, membuat dadanya terasa sesak. "Aku tak ingin semuanya berakhir disini, aku tak mau!" ketika ia berpikir semuanya telah berakhir, ia terlahir kembali! Dan ia menjadi seorang pangeran! "Apa yang...

  • Baby Care
    51.9K 7.2K 29

    Semua bermula dari kedatangan seorang anak kecil yang menggentarkan rumah mereka. Akankah Frostfire, Glacier, Supra dan Sori bisa jadi kakak yang baik untuknya? ⬩⬩⬩✒ Elemental Fusion Brotherhood | Fusion AU Characters: ~ Little Gentar ~ Twins Frosty & Glacy ~ Cousin Supra & Sori 🆂🆃🅰🆁🆃: 270222 🅵🅸🅽🅸🆂🅷: -

  • Fusion
    92.3K 5.6K 13

    Bagaiamana jadinya jika Elemental Boboiboy bertemu dengan Fusion mereka sendiri? Apa tanggapan mereka? Atau malah kekacauan terjadi? "Mama, nggak kenal aku?" "Berbagi itu tanda sayang~" "APAKAH INI!?" Warning! Fusion yang akan tampil bukan milik Author semua, mereka milik pemilik kreator mereka Fanart juga bukan milik...

  • The Elementalist
    414 42 1

    Boboiboy died after he falls from the dam. They all late to save him. Too late. And now here he is, all alone in the streets and go back to when he was still an 8 years old boy.

  • Daycare Series 2.0
    7.6K 549 3

    "API!" Cahaya had grabbed the teen clad in red who looked like he was trying to sneak away from the crowd of mop aliens that had gathered by the entrance of the laboratory. All eyes turned to them, but Cahaya ignored it as he scowled at his counterpart, "What. Did. You. Do?!" "It was just supposed to be a small, harml...

  • The Youngest's Privileges
    34.6K 1.5K 11

    Being the "youngest" septuplet has its perks, especially if you're surrounded by doting and protective brothers.

  • Ini Namanya Drama Keluarga
    1.7K 169 2

    Kenalin, gue Gempa. Anak ketiga dari tujuh bersaudara kembar yang masing-masing punya satu kekuatan elemental. Kami tinggal bertujuh di sebuah rumah, tepat di belakang rumah kakek kami. Ortu? Mereka kerja jadi duta bumi, jarang balik. Apa gue kesepian? Oh, tentu tidak karena gue bertujuh sama sodara gue yang lain. Tap...

  • Tales Of Zestiria and Boboiboy Galaxy Crossover: A World Of Fantasy
    3.2K 120 5

    After defeating Retak'ka, Boboiboy's body couldn't handle it anymore and sadly passed away. His pure heart got him another chance of living, but not as a human anymore. This time, he'll be living as a Seraphim, a unique race in a world of fantasy. However, said world is enveloped with Malevolence, an impurity that is...

  • Boboiboy × Hogwarts
    647 38 3

    Just for fun~ Boboiboy belongs to Monsta Harry Potter belongs to J K Rowling I'm just changing the story a little, replacing and adding a few characters here n there The cover picture does not belong to me, credits to the rightful owner. N I have zero onfidence that I'll finish this, n can't update regularly cuz I'm b...

  • A Hero From Beyond
    111K 5.6K 25

    |[ A BoBoiBoy × My Hero Academia Crossover ]| BoBoiBoy had finally done it. With his incredibly chilling finishing blow on Retak'ka, the alien blasted off into space and was defeated. It was over. They had won. But with the rise comes the fall, and BoBoiBoy was pulled . . . pulled into a whole different place . . . a...
