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  • Fake Lovee💔
    84 25 4

    Yusuf, please don't hurt me' I yelled It's too late, you had your chance' Im sorry, please He whips her with his belt Camera's are looking at you, I don't want you to go to prison Shut up' he whips her some more Sirens begin to whine Please, you have to run ' Don't tell me what to do idiot ' he runs out the door. A...

  • The Third Wheel
    73 24 5

    Kevin a sky diver breanna a nerd Well, they are best friends but medina is the third wheel in their relarionship, cant say, read the rest

    319 110 9

    Laila, a 22 year old reunites with people from her painful past in a very horrible way... well what can I say I don't want to spill anything so read to find out more