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  • the woods | a graphics book + shop
    8.7K 881 20

    a book where I post some graphics, i also take requests! open [] closed [x] (new cover shop coming summer! or earlier) so yeah :) eng + fre je ne parle pas couramment en Francais mais, je peux parler avec ceux qui veulent un couverture de livre

  • bismuth and daisies | graphics
    94.5K 10.4K 89

    hey i'm ano and i make stuff sometimes. this is a collection of any notable graphics i make. hopefully they may serve as inspiration for you or just be a fun lil' thing to flip through ❤️ [ cover by @oxydahlia]

  • graphic shop! [closed]
    2.4K 188 11

    because i love graphic designing! you can request for covers and blends here! status: closed

  • Pandemic | Cover Shop
    14.1K 962 22

    In the graphical world of wattpad, a virus has spread. Unlike any virus this earth has experienced, it spread through photos. Through GIFs. Come with me and be willingly infected by the monstrosity that are my graphics. (pls don't let me flop)

  • beau's graphics [OPEN]
    61.3K 5.7K 44

    - 가짜 미소 || welcome to my rusty abode! [OPEN for SUMMER 2022; SLOTS FULL] in need of cover? well it happens that I offer just the right thing for you;

  • ROBBERS ━ a portfolio
    14.5K 1.2K 28

    40% graphics, 60% midnight ramblings | est: 16.2.19 | #6 in graphic design | #3 in contest entries

  • Celin Graphics
    239K 30.6K 197

    #1 in Graphics (5/21/2018) #1 in Multimedia (7/12/2018) I only do paid commercial commissions now. Wattpad requests: CLOSED A place where I showcase the graphics that I'm super proud of and stuff like that c: If you're reading this on a different website that is not Wattpad, you are at risk of a malware attack. If you...