While on patrol, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, and Izuku Midoriya find themselves on the unfortunate side of a villains quirk. Appearing in a whole other dimension, they're forced to play along with these strange rules, becoming apprentices and even warriors for a powerful Thunderclan. Tensions with Shadowclan and Riverclan are ever rising, a doomed war just waiting to happen, but above that, a mysterious, other worldly force threatens their very existence. Brought here for a reason, the dimension jumping trio must help these cats with their troubles, while also returning home in one piece. ... or; " Sneering in response, Katsuki flattens his ears tightly against his head, looking away with a mutter; "I know this shit cus' I go hiking every summer. This isn't the first damn time I've gotten stranded in a stupid ass forest. But usually, I've got enough supplies to get a shelter and fire going." He swipes the ground, kicking up a cloud of dirt. "Not just this dumb shit. Fuck... Even being a damn human out here without all our shit would be a whole lot fuckin' better." "