Chapter 62

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Tomas opens his car door for me and I get in the passenger seat before I watch him go around, he stops at his door and I watch his hoodie rise to find he has a claret white floral polo shirt underneath.

He opens his door getting in and throws the hoodie behind us. "Where to?"

"A cinema." He chuckles as a response and I see his hoodie was also hiding a dark watch he had on, so he dressed for both occasions, one if I underdressed and another if I were casual.

I buckle up as he starts to reverse and we set off. The cinema he takes us to is a little further then the one we normal go to when I'm with the family, I don't mind though. "Don't want to run into any inconvenience." He stops the car.

"Clever." I take my seatbelt off and help myself out. "You look good by the way."

"Ah, compliments are allowed? Thank you." He slows down for me and then we walk into the cinema with him hold the door open for me so I go before him. "You look good yourself."

"I always look good." I correct him as we walk to the mini screens where we can buy our tickets.

"True." We stop in front of the screen and he starts to drag the screen form left to right. "So we have a few options of new movies that just come out, what are we going for? Comedy? Action? Romance?"

"Let go for comedy," I follow his finger with his dark ring.

"Central intelligence type or Bad moms type?"

"Central intelligence-oh ride along two!" I spot it. "Have you watched the first one?"


"How are you missing out on that?!" I shake my head. "We could watch central intelligence, I don't mind." He presses on Central intelligence, "Far back," I point when he's choosing seats.

"What you trying to do at the far back."

"Oh shut up!" He pays for the tickets.

"Want snacks?"

"Just a dink and skittles," I say. "I'm just going to go look for a bathroom, I'll be right back." He nods moving to the front as I go find a bathroom.

I don't know what drove me to ask Tomas to see a movie with me but here I am, I stand looking at myself, I even dressed up for the occasion like it's a date. Is it? I would splash water on my face but my makeup isn't waterproof.

My stomach flips for reasons I can not comprehend, I push the feeling down and set out to Tomas waiting for me. "I got you coke since it's the only other drink I see you drink when you're not downing gallons of water."

"Thanks." I take the drink sipping it a little. "Number five right?" He nods and we enter already half filled room to the movie adverts playing. We sit and I put my side bag on my lap.

I catch a familiar masculine scent and I know damn well it's not Malic's scent, it's coming form Tomas, he put my sisters gift on. I observe him form the side, watching the green of his eyes darken to adjust to the lighting, watching how his biceps are accented in his polo.

He turns to me and I watch a smirk grow on his lips and I raise my hands to push his face away, his laugh is light and to it the knot in my stomach explodes into fluttering butterflies, making my face hot. Since when does Tomas make me nervous?

The film starts to play and we watch until the room lights are finally switched on once again. "Good pick." Tomas tells me throwing our trash away as we walk out. "It's still light out, you want to go for a walk?"

"Sure," I nod and we move to the exist, we move past a group of teenagers and past other close by shopping stores. "You've been out here before right?"

"Yeah," he nods.

"Okay so at least one of us know where we're going." I stay close to him. "My father talked to me earlier," I start and then recite all we talked about, starting form why we don't have a huge pack and ending with why we won't have a huge pack.

"And you're okay with that?" I look down at our feet, we seem fo be walking simultaneously. "With only having four members?"

"For now yes, I don't know what I was thinking, trying to merge with his pack? I would have been trapped trapped." I miss a step messing up our perfect rhythm. "It doesn't matter now," I feel his gaze on me. "I've set a date for the whole rejection thing."

"Oh?" I nod to his reply, even with Tomas I can't help but imagine the worst reaction out of Malic, he's so prideful, I don't know if he'll accept it so easily. "You really are going through with it."

"I am," the feeling weights heavy on my heart, never once would I ever imagined I would be rejecting my own mate. If only things actually worked out.

We keep walking and he takes me into a quite neighbourhood, all the houses seem to be identical and stuck together, nothing like my street. "Usually there would be kids playing basketball on this road, but it seems to be empty today.

"This whole street is like a community, I used to pass here every day when I could, the neighbours would think I was actually form around here." We pass a house with a basketball net in their parking space. "Now I only come occasionally."

"It seems pretty quiet." I look around.

"It is at times." We keep going as I take in all the houses, one after the other they all seem the same to me.

"So how do I know that," I look up at him, "if you're mate comes back, you won't go running back to her?"

"I don't think that's anything you have to worry about," he lets out a small chuckle. "It's the whole truth, I accepted the rejection so there's no going back." He sounds honest about his reasons but it wouldn't be the first time someone's deceived me.

"Sounds like complete shit," he stops, "I know but, it is the truth." His eyes scan mine. "It's a lot but I need you to trust me on this one."

"Tsk," I roll my eyes with a playful smile.

"Not everyone wants to pull a Malic on you, some just want to treat you right."

"It's getting late." I turn away from him. "Come on chauffeur! I can't get home without a ride!" I glance behind my shoulder to see him coming. We fill our walk back with more talking before we reach his car and start heading back.

"Is it safe to say this was a date?" He gets out his car and starts to walk me inside my building.

"Meh, it was an outing." I stop in front of the elevator and cal it down listening to him chuckle then turn to him.

"Well, it was an honour taking you out on this outing." He nods to me taking a step forward.

"Well you are very welcome." I step forward then go to hug him with my arms around his neck, both his arms stay respectfully warped around my waist. I take in his scent and feeling it tangle more knots in my stomach.

I push my self higher on the tips of my toes then he starts to rock us lightly form side to side, the insides of me flutter and I try to hide it when we pull away. His body is still close and I rest my hands on his chest if ever I decide to pull completely away, now would be nice!

I tilt my head back looking up at him and catch how the green of his eyes linger on my lips before he looks at me and licks his own. My elevator rings open. "Goodnight," I push gently of him then go into my elevator.

"Goodnight." He says his voice soft before I press my floor number and the door shuts between us.

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