Chapter 10

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I wait for my dad to finished what he has in his mouth before he finally speaks up "What is it about?"

"It's a trip,"


"I haven't read it yet." I pick my water up and sip it "I'll give it to you later." I cut a piece of my chicken and put it in my mouth, we all fall silent for a minute until my dad speaks up again.

"We have a get together this Saturday with the Salvadore's." I looks up at my dad when he mentions Salvadore. Salvadore? As in Saint Salvadore?? I swallow down on my chicken without chewing and it starts to go down painfully slow so I pick my water up downing it.

"Did you say Salvadore?" I ask my father and he nods "Who's we?"

"I'm taking you because your mother can't make it,"

"Why can't mom make it?" I speed talk slowly starting to panic, I don't want to be around Saint let alone in his house!

"Surprise! I'm pregnant!" My eyebrows lift and my eyes widen at the news, pregnant? I mean, she's not even showing, of course she can go.

"But moms not showing! I'm sure she can go!" I argue, my voice is pleading cause I honestly don't want to go.

"Congrats Mom!" Bailey and Tili say together but Tili's a little early.

"Or you can take Bailey," I throw her under the bus "I'm sure she'll be happy to go."

"S.S.S is the closet supernatural school to our home, thanks to Vincent Salvadore you where able to get in. Not only is he an alpha but it's by respect you show your face." Dad announces to me.

"What does alpha Vincent have to do with this?" I whine.

"He owns the school," Mom chins in and I look over at her, she gives me a small smile and I sigh sitting back defeated. Great. After dinner I clean up and dismiss Bailey and Tili so I can do the dishes alone so I can think.

I let the water run as I pour some soap on the sponge and pick up a plate, at this point I'm practically a washing machine so doing the dishes while being on the moon is nothing not new to me.

My mind goes back to the dinner conversation, so your telling me my principal is Saint's father? So that's what my dad mean by he wishes they'd met in different circumstances. Ohhh.

But still it don't make sense to me, why would he let me in? Is my father in some sort of dept now because he owns alpha Vincent a favour? How on earth do they even know each other? I beg, don't let it be some sort of childhood reunion.

I dread the idea of my father actually knowing Saint's father and then dinner parties become a regular thing. Oh please no! I know I don't know Saint like that but form what I've seen, which isn't a lot, he doesn't seem a very one person.

He's always with one of his betas and doesn't really talk, I see his pack laughing and have a good time but the best he can give is a small smile. Thinking about it, Saint always looks mad. Like all the time.

Look, I'm not one to initiate conversation where I know it's clearly not wanted but by the looks of things, that's exactly what I'll be doing.

I rise my last dish then dry my hands and make my way up the stairs, I walk into my pale pink room and go straight for my backpack. I zip it open and take my agenda out, I take the hanging letter out my agenda out then head out towards my dad's office.

"Hey dad," I knock twice then wonder in, a ginormous book covers his face until he looks up at my with ice blue eyes "I have the letter." I wave it in the air then move to his desk. I put the letter down and kinda linger since he doesn't shoo me out. "Can I ask you something?"

He hums and I take it as a yes, "Why can't we call an alpha by their name?" He looks up at me so I elaborate "I remember you telling me we call an alpha, alpha by respect but why?"

"Well it really depend on the alpha," he puts his books down, seconds of me waiting for him to elaborate pass by but he never does.

"Because, I called an alpha by his name and he got all wired about it," I tap my fathers desk a few times before crossing my arms "well everyone kinda froze when I said Saint."

"He prefers Malic?" A small smile lingers on his lips.

"Yeah," I nod "isn't that wired?"

"You don't call me Kendrick." Dad points out.

"That's because you my farther, I don't get what Saint's problem is." I roll my eyes, like seriously what the hell is his issue? It's not like I'm the first person to ever say his name.

"Don't let him hear you say that." Dad chuckles.

"It's not funny dad." I sigh "So I'm guessing you don't know?" I realize he hasn't answered my question.

"Respect is the best I've got." He nods so I just take it.

"Thanks," I walk off closing his office door behind me.


The night I've been trying to slow down finally comes, I sit in my bed finishing one more episode of Morden Family before I hear a "Start getting ready Nadia!" At my door.

I groan getting out of bed and take the quickest shower before I start getting ready, I bring my makeup bag and start concealing my under eyes and eyebrows, I put a little blush and highlight then move to my hair.

I brush it down and get some unscented gel to slink my hair down, I careful pull out some hair on both sides by my ears and then tie my hair in a low ponytail. I put some chapstick on before moving to my closet to get out my black jumpsuit.

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