chapter 7

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              𝓐nother night of restlessness latched itself onto Rhaella. She rolled over with a groan of discontent.

It was morning. The beams of sunlight permeated through her chamber window. Rhaella's sleeping gown was dampened by sweat. 

The night terrors had not ceased since her time in Kings Landing weeks prior.

The darkness.The fire. It was a repeated pattern she could not escape from. 

Rhaella's brain pulsed with paranoia at the possible meaning of it all.

Had she been cursed?

Rhaella made herself ready for the day. Maids ushered themselves into her room. One straightened out her dress while another fussed with her silver hair, arranging it into a thick braid. Despite their best efforts, stubborn curls fray out onto her forehead.

The dark Dragonstone halls surrounded Rhaella as she walked towards the main room. There sat her father, Daemon at the head table. Rhaella hesitated to make her presence known to him.

 Ever since the death of her mother, their relationship had become strained.

More on Rhaella's part rather than his.

"Rhaella?" Daemon called out to this daughter. "Come sit."

Rhaella closed her eyes for a moment. Maybe if she stood still he would forgetBut to no avail. Rhaella knew her father would not ask again.

Walking over, Rhaella sat a distance away from her father. She tried to keep her expressions minimal.

Unfortunately for her, there was no hiding from Daemon.

" You were late to dock the boat when we left Kings Landing," Daemon said. There was no room for denying it. It had been stated as plain fact.

Daemon was met with silence. He watched his daughter slightly readjust in her seat, discomfort evident.

"What happened?"

Rhaella wondered if there was even a point to lie. Her father seemed to always know when something troubled her despite keeping to herself.

She hated that. It made her feel weak.

"I was summoned by her grace," Rhaella said.

"What did Alicent want with you?" Daemon said.

Rhaella had effectively backed herself into a corner. Was she really going to disclose that her carelessness was the reason for the meeting?

"Breakfast," Rhaella said. Daemon scoffed at this. Rhaella toyed at the fabric of her dress.

 Suddenly, she felt as though she was a young girl again, being helplessly scolded.

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