chapter 10

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Rhaella's eerie silence greatly perturbed Talya.

The resounding sounds of crunching footsteps were scattered round about them as the two women made their way through the streets of Flea Bottom.

Talya momentarily paused, eyes shifting to Rhaella tersely. The girl hadn't uttered a word since her savage outburst. Her violet eyes had glazed over, catatonic to the world.

Lips pressed into a line from worry, Talya turned away. She could not deny the cold fear that ran through her. She wondered what the white worm would want with such an unstable individual.

Stopping in front of the brothel doors, Talya escorted Rhaella inside, rushing her by all the numerous ladies of the night who were curious at the sight of the highborn girl's entrance.

"Here, sit," Talya said. Rhaella obeyed the command, weakly situating herself onto the ragged wooden chair.

Rhaella's brown hands trembled profusely. Talya's eyebrows furrowed in concern but fought the desire to comment.

Talya disappeared behind the sheer curtains, leaving Rhaella alone with her thoughts.

Or lack thereof.

The blood stains on the dress she wore had since dried, crusting over uncomfortably. Rhaella hadn't noticed nor reacted to the figure that made her way across from her.

"My lady?" A soft voice called out.

Rhaella knew that voice. It poured out like gentle rain, washing over her senses. Her eyes snapped up to the sound.

"Astris." Rhaella breathed out. The first word she had uttered since the incident.

"Oh." Atris cooed. Her pale hands engulfed Rhaella's, putting a stop to its exertion.

Rhaella's eyes raked over Astris. She had hardly changed, her hair was still black as the night sky.

"Your hair's grown," Rhaella murmured. Astris smiled softly, it was all she could do.

"And yours is as lovely as I remember," Astris replied.

Despite her frayed state of mind, Rhaella managed to conjure up a small smile just for her.

Their reunion was cut short by the curtains shuffling back. Astris's soft gaze hardened as she stood up from the seat.

The woman; Tan and slender with brown locks of hair fastened to the middle of her head. That wasn't what pulled Rhaella's attention. No, it was the calculating dark eyes that caused her alarm.

"Rhaella Targaryen, I see you've found your way," Mysaria said, voice thickened with accent.

Rhaella did not speak for a moment. This woman was not to be trusted.

"There's nothing white about you," Rhaella said finally.

Mysaria smirked slightly.

"You must be hungry, Talya informed me you had been imprisoned almost a day's end," Mysaria said.

She gestured to a girl, no more than ten, Rhaella was sure, who brought forth a steaming bowl of porridge unfamiliar to Rhaella's nose.

"No, thank you," Rhaella said, pushing the bowl to the side.

In truth, Rhaella was starved beyond belief. But she was unsure if stomaching food was a possibility right now.

"I understand," Mysaria said, eyes darted to her blood-ridden dress.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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