chapter thirty-one

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"The ballet industry wears black in honor of Summer Bennett: the youngest and greatest ballerina that could've been."

"Summer Bennett, eighteen year old ballerina, suffers from major injury. She can't dance again."

"Summer Bennett: the world's greatest disappointment. An injury that costs her entire future."

"Daughter of Luna Bennett suffers from
major injury, ending her ballet career. Would she follow her mother, Mia Bennett, footsteps? What's next for her?"

"Daisy Silvers' protégée: her greatest disappointment. A month before the Swan Lake performance, Summer Bennett ends her future on ballet with an injury."

"Daisy Silvers speaks on her most important student: What will happen with Summer Bennett? What is next for Vancouver Academy?"

Someone snatches my phone off my hands, a loud gasp leaves my mouth at the sudden movement. "What did I tell you about reading those nasty articles?" my sister frowns, placing my phone down on the nightstand. "You should not care about what people say, Summer."

"I know, I know." my voice is too small, raspy for how much I've slept in two days. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to yourself. Here, I brought you coffee and Lauren's cupcakes." she places a bag from J&J on my bed and a cup of coffee from Starbucks in my nightstand. "I also have a list of movies we could watch."

"I'm tired, Ro." I bring the coffee to my lips, taking small sips as the doctors told me. "I don't feel my body anymore."

"Well, duh. You've been in bed for two days straight." she chuckles and sits on my bed, hiding her legs underneath her. "Okay, no movies. But we should talk."

"I'm tired of talking, too." I pout. "Mom had been asking all sort of questions and I answered them but– ugh, I just want this over."

"It is over, Summer." Rory's voice softens. "It's all over, I promise." she stares at me with so much guilt that kills me inside.

"That's not what all the articles from her say."

My sister sighs. "That's because Mama hasn't done anything yet, once she speaks– Daisy Silvers will be all gone."

I lower my head to my lap as I play with the cup on my hands. "Is it wrong if I feel bad for her?"

Aurora chuckles and tosses a piece of cupcake into her mouth. "No, because you're the kindest person on earth. It's just who you are. You don't want anything bad for people, even if they deserve it." she tells me softly. "But, it's okay. That's why you have me. I don't feel bad for her. She made your life hell for three years, Sunny. She made you unhealthy, unhappy, she made you doubt about yourself. She's the worst person on earth, she deserves whatever Ma is about to do."

Do I agree with her? A small part of me does. Daisy did make my life living hell for three years. She made me almost get diagnosed with an eating disorder, she overtrained me, she used me because of my name. I've met horrible people in my life, but Daisy Silvers is a straight up sick woman. And yet, another part of me feels bad about what my mom will do.
I told them everything, every single detail since I started in the Academy. I showed them every message, told them word for word what she used to tell me– I have those words memorized in my head. I told them how she used me because I was practically a bank account to her. I told them the extra hours she kept me there, dancing without a break. I told them every detail. Mom cried, Mama listened to every word with a straight face but I heard her crying in bed with my mom.

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