Chapter 5

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As my eyes fluttered open, I felt the hot sun warming my skin. I looked to see my legs, the majority of my body covered in sand.

"Uhhh, Dakota, is it?"

"AHHH" I yelled frantically pulling myself away from him.

"D-don't be scared! I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise, here." He said taking his top off and handing it to me. I got up and put it on.
"My names Chase." He said smiling. Although I didn't know where I was, how far away I am from my family, I felt... safe. I began feeling a bit light headed and my body swayed a bit. I braced myself from falling over but landed in Chases arms. Tingles erupted all over my body, I shook it off thinking it was just a part of my light headedness. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine, they were brownie-green. I looked away blushing. Attempting to stand up again. But before I knew it, I was swept up into his arms and he was carrying my bridal style.

"W-where are we going?" I asked. He looked at me again and smiled.

"Uhhh, Chase?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry, um, yeah, I've just never heard you speak before, we're going to my pack house. I'm assuming you don't know what that is because your human."

"No, I do" I said immediately regretting it. So much for low profile and not exposing myself.

"You do?" He said confused.

"I-I, O-only from uhm reading. Books." I said trying to sound as convincingly as possible.

"Oh...okay." He said and gave me a slight smile. We reached an opening from the forest we were walking in and a big house stood in the middle of a green field. The clearing was surrounded by trees. The house looked like a log cabin, only the mansion version. Many people were walking outside of it. He placed me down gently and started walking towards it. I followed him, keeping my head down and staying close behind. He stopped walking, and before I could look up I heard a familiar voice.

"Chase, why are you with that feral skunk! And why aren't you wearing a shirt!" She said controllingly.

"Uhhhh, Emma, hey! Uhhhh well actually umm-" I used this as my chance to run. There was no way I was getting passed a whole pack of werewolves without using my mer speed, it was the only choice. I ran for my life, figuring I would get tired I ran the way we came. I heard growls coming from behind me and didn't dare look back. I reached the beach and didn't hesitate before diving straight in. My tail formed instantly and I swam faster then I had ever swam before. Once I was out at sea I stopped and peaked above the water. I could see many of the pack standing on the beach in human form. I also saw chase, staring straight out to sea. My heart ached and judging from the look on his face, his did too. I had to get out of here before I changed my mind so I asked a fish what way to go. Shortly after I reached a familiar reef and surfaced to see the cliff. I looked up and saw Gert. She was sitting on the edge of the cliff.

"GERT!" I yelled as loud as possible.

"DAKOTA!?" she yelled back.

"GUYS DAKOTAS BACK!" she said to our siblings. She created a spout of water shooting me up into the air and place me on top of the cliff. The rest of my siblings ran out of the house, Xavier carrying me clothes. I dried my tail and put them on.

"Dakota! We're so glad your back!" Aiden said hugging me.

"We were so worried!" Ethan said joining the hug. In no time everyone joined and we were in the midst of a group hug.

"Where did you go!?"

"What happened?" asked the twins. We all headed inside and I explained to them what happened.

"Guys I don't think we have to worry about this mate problem, he has a girlfriend!" I said.

"Yeah I guess but why would he tell you about his pack and try taking you to the pack house if he was going to reject you?" Said Gert. That was kind of true.

"Well, you've got to go back to school tomorrow, if this so called Emma, knows you were with him then she's gonna hate you, we can use that to get information."

"Dakota just don't talk to him, okay?" I nodded and got ready for bed.

*Sorry this chapter was I bit rushed I was running out of ideas, oops. Hope you guys liked it J*

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