Chapter 16

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As I looked out the window with hope for the first time in a while, I realized nothing could disconnect me from my connection to the weather. I thought the darkest thoughts, I thought about the fight me and Chase had, how they were keeping him in here. It angered me to see him like this. My emotions bubbled inside me flowing in along with the dark grey storm clouds. I focused on the bad things for the first time in my life, the sky lit up with lightning. I watched as everyone scurried to shelter from the storm I was forming. I was trying anything, trying to send a signal. I created a path of lightning, repeating the same order from north to south. If I was correct and we were at the silver lake pack house then everyone I love and knew were north of here. I felt drained from all the power I was putting into the storm, I was tired and could stay awake for much longer.

A knock came from the small glass window, I jumped back in fear. It was dark. The middle of the night, and someone was knocking on my tank. A flash light shone onto a familiar face. Alex. My eyes widened and I raced over to the window. He motioned me to keep quite and started unbolting the window. The first panel of glass was done and followed by three more. The water started gushing out of the tank, I washed out with it. Alex grabbed me and pulled me out of the water. It wouldn't be long before they noticed the tank was empty, we had to hurry.
"We have to get out of here quickly!" Said Alex. My tail was dry and Alex handed me a pair of clothes.
"We can't! Chase is in there!" I said
"What! How did he get in there?!" He asked.
"I'm not sure, but we can't leave him!" I said.
"Shit, okay. The packs waiting in the forest let's discuss it with them." He said running over to them.
"The whole pack?!" I asked.
"Of course, your there Luna." He said. We entered the woods and over 800 eyes stared into mine. The whole pack was here, for me. I informed them on the situation and we had agreed that there was no better time to get chase out of there than now. We all split up, me, Alex, and Jacob went through the back door, surprisingly it was unlocked. We went up five flights of stairs and I started examining the rooms.
"Here it is!" I said busting the door open. Chase was tied to the same pole. Eyes shut. He was in bad shape. I rushed over to him and started untying him. The boys picked him up and mind linked the pack. We ran back down the stairs and out the door, it slamming behind us. I looked around me to see the whole pack submerging into the forest. I jumped at the loud sound that began blaring from the pack house. Wolves immediately rushed in every direction. Our pack had no choice but to run.

*sorry I've been so inactive, I didn't think this book would be noticed ever and it has. Thank you for all the votes and reads I appreciate it so much! Sorry this is a bit rushed I wrote it on the spot and wanted to get it out to you as quick as possible but I promise the next chapters will improve :)*

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